Chapter 27: Life is Un-Fair

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A/N: Long chapters make up for me not updating in a week ;)


"What the fuck?" I said, rising from the oddly familiar bed.

"Oh sorry about that, it was just my alarm clock," Danny said, gently hitting the button to turn it off.

"Wait a minute... I don't remember going to bed here last night."

"Oh that's because you randomly fell asleep again, but don't worry I think that's a very adorable thing about you. Also I carried you up here, and Barry was already asleep by then. Trust me nothing creepy happened, I wouldn't do that without your consent or without you being awake. Did that sound weird, I'm just gonna stop talking now."

"Yeah you probably should, you dork." I get out of his bed and stand on my toes so I can give him a quick kiss on the cheek-

"BREAKFAST TIME. TIME FOR BREAKFAST." Barry yelled from the kitchen in a song-type voice. Damn, I thought I was getting good at predicting every time that would happen..

"Let's get some breakfast, my darling," Danny whispers sensually into my ear.


Today, the vibe at the office felt strangely bright and happy. Something was off...but what was it?

"Hey guys, Holly's back and I'm so fucking happy!" Ross screamed. Oh right, Holly was coming back today. I distinctly remember Ross saying that last night. Well maybe he wouldn't be such an ass to me today. Or maybe I was the ass, but he did start it...

"Ross I was only gone for three days."

"Yeah, but I missed you, I mean we all did."

"Well Ross, what should we do to celebrate," Barry chimes in. "We know you've been wanting to go out for a while now, well.. after we all went roller skating."

"You're right, Barry we should all go out! Mostly because we've all been working our asses off without a break, and it's time for a well deserved one."

"Any bright ideas on where we should go," Arin adds.

"Well, since I'm in a particularly cheery mood, I think we should all go to the carnival, after all, it's only fair."

"OH MY GOD I GET IT!" Danny screams, running around the office like a child.

"Same dude!" Arin screams, giving him a high five in the process, just like they always did.

"Well let's go then," Suzy said, already heading towards the door with her purse.


After an exciting ride, much like the one we had to the WoW competition that started this entire mess, we finally made it to the fair. I hadn't been to one since I was in high school, after the tragic "date" I had.

"Wow Ross, who knew you could actually do something nice for us for once?"

"Actually Jasmine, I'm nice more often than you think. It's just that you choose to pick out the rougher side of me to focus on. Then, you use whatever you see from that and attack me with it." He argues, as he angrily parks the car.

"Damn..." Danny and Arin said together.

"Okay, okay we're all friends here." Barry added from the back seat.

That shut me up, which is probably what he wanted anyways. I would've came back at him with a nice "fuck you," but I wanted to have a good time today. That and his wife was literally sitting right next to him. I don't even think she knew that we weren't on the best of terms with each other. It probably just seemed like a joke to her.

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