Chapter 6: Bad Timing

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My heart was pounding out of my chest with every single passing second. I turned towards Danny, who was now laying back looking at the ceiling.

"Well Danny, it was really great hanging out with you today... I really have to go now!"

With almost no explanation, I got up and rushed towards the door, where Arin and Suzy were still standing. I abruptly pushed past them and sprinted towards my car, not looking back even once. I had already been humiliated enough already. If only Arin could've just waited a minute longer to randomly show up like that...

Danny's POV:

"Man, you were really gettin' it while I was gone, dude!" Arin said overconfidently, walking towards me. Suzy knew this wasn't the best time for anything, so she scurried away, into another room.

"What the fuck, man?! That was not cool!"

"W-what's wrong? I saw you getting some action."
He sat down on the couch and nudged my arm a little.

"Not really. If you waited a minute more then maybe, but that's not the point."

"Oh, I'm sorry man. Are you pissed at me?"

"Nah man, I could never be mad at you. Or anyone for that matter, I don't really get mad much. It's not in my nature and you know that."

"That's great, dude. You think Jasmine's okay?"

"I hope so. I still have no idea how she feels, about me I mean."

"She totally likes you. I saw it. She was mad blushing when I walked in."

"Maybe that's because you walked in without warning like that! I thought you were supposed to be sick."

"Well Dan... I always get sick, but that won't ever stop me from wanting to play some video games with my best friend!" He playfully punched me in the arm.

"Aww that's cute." I ruffled his hair and smiled. The truth was, I wasn't really in the mood to play video games with Arin. It was a strange thing for me to feel, but I just wanted to see Jasmine. It was odd for her to run off like that. I didn't have her phone number so I had virtually no way of communicating with her. I had to try and come up with a lie to get out of it.

"Hey, uh Arin?"

"Yeah dude, what's up?"

"Could we maybe play some video games tomorrow or something? I'm feeling really tired right now and you should get some rest too. It'll be much more fun when you're not sick."

"But Daaaaan. I'm feeling better now, I swear! Seeing you makes me feel great!"

Immediately after he finished speaking, he sneezed.
"Yeah dude, I believe you," I said laughing my ass off.

"No wait, that was a false alarm." He sneezed again.

"Should I get Suzy and tell her to take you home?"

"I guess so..." He sniffed and had a sad look on his face.

"Don't worry, we'll get back to gaming tomorrow. I want you to be in perfect health so we can have the most fun."

I stood up from the couch and went to go get Suzy. I'm glad Arin believed that bullshit lie I told him. I never get tired this early. He should know this by now. I guess it was because he was too sick to remember anything straight.

"Everything okay Dan?" Suzy looked at me with a questioning expression on her face.

"Yeah, it's cool. You might wanna take Arin home though. He sneezing all over the place and I don't really feel like getting sick today."

"Yeah sure, I was just thinking about going home as well, even though we just got here. Sorry for intruding you guys like that. Might as well take him with me. Since we live together and stuff."

Her saying that made me have a crazy idea. Well, it wasn't really that crazy, but it was definitely not what Suzy would expect me to be asking her.

"Hey uh Suzy?"

"Yeah, Dan?" She asked while grabbing her things and getting up from her desk.

"This may sound a little weird, but do you happen to have Jasmine's phone number?"

"Actually I do. I got it when she first started working here. Why?"

"Oh, I just needed to text her something and I don't have her number, so I was wondering."

"Well, you can take my phone and text her. Nothing is going on, right?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just wanna check up on her, today has been really interesting."

"Alright." She handed me her phone and I pulled up Jasmine's contact. My mind raced trying to think of something to say that wouldn't sound too creepy or weird. Finally, I came up with something and hit send. I handed Suzy her phone back and thanked her for letting me use it.

I had to remind myself to get Jasmine's phone number whenever I got the chance.

Jasmine's POV:

I drove home as fast as I could. My head was about to explode from all of the thoughts I was having. I had a feeling that the headache I had from two days ago was coming back.

When I got home I was surprised to see that I'd gotten a text from Suzy. Why would she text me? I almost forgot she had my number. We barely talked to each other. I wasn't going to ignore it, so I checked what it said. Turns out it wasn't from her at all, it was from Danny. He probably took her phone and sent it...

Hey Jasmine, this is Danny. I feel really stupid for what happened earlier. I hope you don't think I'm super weird or creepy or whatever. I just don't want things to be awkward between us. Anyways, I hope you're doing okay! I'll see you sometime soon!

The text surprised me a little. I didn't think he was weird or creepy at all. I was just a little pissed at Arin for showing up at the time that he did, but that would pass soon enough. I wasn't really one to hold grudges against people. I wasn't going to reply, since this was from Suzy's phone and he sent it about 30 minutes ago, but I would talk to him in person.

I got ready for bed and again, I couldn't sleep at all. I laid there, thinking about what would've happened if Arin didn't come at that time, but later. Or if he didn't show up at all. Would we have made out? Would it have been too awkward for me? I wondered what Danny's lips tasted like. God, he was gorgeous. I never really thought about it until now. I could stare into his eyes for hours. Don't even get me started on his arms and hands. This time, I actually wanted to see him again, but first I needed to clear my mind of everything that's been happening. Maybe I would wait a few days or something before going back to the Grump Space. Hopefully he could wait.

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