Chapter 3: Food, finally!

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With lots of complaining coming from everyone, we finally arrived at the restaurant. There weren't many choices around town, and since Ross was driving at lightning speed, we had to settle for Olive Garden.

Personally, I had no problem with that since I could eat their breadsticks all day long. The rest of the gang sounded like they hated the place, but it was the closest. Danny and Arin were practically jumping over each other like animals to get inside. With our unbelievable luck, tonight the restaurant was over crowded. The hostess told us that there was only one table left in the back of the restaurant and that we would be lucky if all of us could fit at it. Since we were starving to the point of fainting, which might've been an exaggeration, we decided to take it. It was the best we could get.

We were all walked to our table and marveled at how little room there was for all of us to fit. There were no extra chairs for us to pull up either. We all exchanged looks and shrugged. Space didn't matter when it came to hunger. Arin and Suzy sat down first and didn't seem to take up much room, so Holly and Ross sat down next to them. The four of them squeezed together and took up an entire side of the table. Which left Danny, Barry and I to sit on the other side. Danny sat down first and I squeezed in next to him, Barry followed soon after, leaving me to be squeezed in between them. There wasn't much room for us to move. Barry looked like he was gonna fall off the edge of the seat, so I scooted closer to Danny. He was getting pushed against the window and I had to apologize, while pointing my head towards Barry, who was now more comfortable than he was before.

Danny didn't seem to mind, but I did. I felt very hot and started to sweat a little. This was the closest I had ever been to Danny. It was making me a little uncomfortable, and on top of that, I didn't know how he felt about it either. It was very weird for the both of us I imagined. I decided to put it aside for the moment as we got our menus and looked through the options. We all pretty much ordered everything we could eat without exploding or going over our budgets. As we all waited for our food, everyone seemed to be enclosed in their own conversations except for me. I felt like the odd one out. I looked down at the table and hoped to go unnoticed. Suddenly, I felt a cold sensation flow through my body. I looked down and saw that Danny had placed his hand on my leg. Did he even know that he was doing it? I wasn't gonna be the one to tell him either. After all, I didn't mind he wasn't a complete stranger to me.

"So Jasmine, we haven't gotten to ask you yet. How does it feel to be working with us," Suzy asked me, finally sparking up a conversation I could be included in.

"Oh... um it feels great. It's a lot better than sitting in my apartment editing crap that's just going to sit there for years. Today, I've gotten to know you guys better, and that's really what matters. Wow... this is turning into some sentimental shit."

"Well, we love having you here, don't we?" She turned to everyone who nodded their heads.

"Yeah, today was fun," Danny added, sliding his hand off of my leg. It was too bad, I actually liked it being there.

"Aww thanks guys. I'm starting to feel like I'm a part of the family now."

"You've been a part of the family since you joined," Arin said.

After that conversation, my mood brightened up, especially since I could see our food coming to us from the corner of my eye.

"Food's here!" Arin exclaimed.

"Ugh, finally," Danny stared, as his plate of pasta was being handed to him.

No words were said, as we immediately started digging into our food. Even though I wasn't looking, I'm pretty sure everyone else in the restaurant was staring directly at us. In about 10 minutes, we had all completely finished our food.

"I'm STUFFED," Arin said with a satisfied smile, patting his stomach.

"That pasta was DELICIOUS," Danny said, slamming his fork down onto the plate.

"I could go to sleep right now," Suzy said, leaning her head on Arin's shoulder.

"Well I can say that was a VERY successful meal." I slumped down in my seat.

After we payed for our food which included a very generous tip, and walked to the car, everyone noticed that Ross had fallen asleep on Holly's shoulder. She was grabbing around his waist, walking him to the car. Guess all that negative energy mixed with excitement made him sleepy. I found it quite adorable.

"I guess I'm driving you guys home then," Holly said, picking Ross up and setting him down gently in the passenger's seat.

"I'm afraid so," Suzy said looking over at him. "He's out cold," I said, amazed.

We were all exhausted after this wild day. Who knew standing in line all day just to play a game for less than 5 minutes could take so much out of you? Suzy and Arin sat in the middle row of seats. Suzy was starting to look a little tired as well, and proceeded to lean her head on Arin's shoulder. He put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him so she could be more comfortable on the ride back.

None of us wanted to be the third wheel, so Barry, Danny, and I were left to sit in the far back of the car. It didn't really bother us, seeing as we'd gotten used to it already. I sat in the middle, since Danny was too tall and Barry looked like he was going to pass out. After all, he was pretty quiet for most of the day. I was exhausted as well, but I didn't want to sleep until I got home. I was the only one in the car who actually lived by myself, so it would be difficult for me if I fell asleep. Danny leaned his head against the window. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and couldn't help but smile a little. His fluffy hair covered up his entire face, with some sticking to the window of course. Barry did the same. I think I heard some soft snoring coming from him as well. Pretty much everyone in the car had fallen asleep except for me, Holly, and maybe Danny?

Since it was gonna be a long ride back, I decided I would try and sleep as well. There was nothing else to do or talk about really, and Holly was trying to stay awake and focus on driving. Slowly, I closed my eyes and tried to clear my head of everything I was thinking of. A few minutes later... or what felt like a few minutes later, I opened my eyes again. I didn't feel comfortable at all. Falling asleep while sitting upright felt physically impossible, I had no idea how people managed to do it on planes. Since Barry was fast asleep and I didn't want to bother him, I went for it and slowly leaned my head against Danny's shoulder. At first I felt bad because I didn't know if he was asleep or not. I felt him move a little.

"Mmm, who's that," he whispered in a deep, sleepy voice. I had no idea he could sound like that, if I wasn't so exhausted I would've been so turned on right then and there.

"Sorry to disturb you, I didn't know if you were asleep or not. It's Jasmine if you couldn't tell," I whispered back.

"It's okay, I wasn't sleeping. I don't fall asleep as easily as they do. I'm used to staying up really late writing music for NSP and being hyped up on loads of caffeine."

"Oh okay. I just really wanted to be comfortable like everyone else."

"Are you saying I'm comfortable to you," he raised an eyebrow. Another thing that would've instantly drawn me to him, just at another time.

"Yeah I guess you could say that..." I managed to smile at him.

Holly seemed to be driving faster, just so she could get us all home. I felt a feeling of sadness towards her. I really wanted to offer to drive, but my body couldn't seem to move away from Danny's, not in the way of romance or anything, I just needed a pillow of some sort for body support. With that, my eyes finally closed. The rest of the world becoming blank. Danny was actually really sweet, and really comfortable to sleep on. I was surprised I didn't start talking to him earlier. This moment was absolutely perfect and I didn't want it to end.

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