Chapter 20: A Great Time

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It seemed as if it would take forever, but I finally got the hang of skating. I tried letting go of Arin's arm a few times before, but I just ended up grabbing the rail again. This time I felt it deep in my soul that I could actually do this. I let go of Arin's arm and moved away from the rail so that I had nothing to grab onto and actually maintained my balance without falling! I was so proud of myself for once. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see that it was Danny. Behind him were Barry, Suzy and Mark, whom he was skating with before.

"Great job, I knew you could do it," he said in a low, but reassuring voice. I had to strain to hear him over the music that was playing in the background.

I looked around and saw Holly giving me a thumbs up next to Ross, who frankly, did not give a shit about me, or so I thought.

"Thanks Arin," I whispered in his ear as he skated away with Suzy, leaving me with Danny, Barry, and Mark.

All of a sudden, slower music started playing and it was very obvious that it was time for the couples skate. Everyone in the rink started pairing up with one another. Arin, Suzy, Holly, and Ross were already off on their own. This time Arin and Suzy were holding hands and Ross had an arm around Holly, it was all too cute. It was the perfect chance for Danny and I to get some alone time, but Mark and Barry were here also.

"Looks like we all don't have dates, what a shame," Barry started to say.

"Yeah it sucks.. what should we do?" Mark asked.

Danny and I exchanged a quick glance. We both knew that there was no way we could do this. I spoke up to try and offer a suggestion.

"Well maybe we could all try and skate as friends, cause that's what we are, screw the rules!"

"That's a great idea, Jasmine!" Barry responded.

"Thanks, Barry! I know, I'm a genius aren't I?"

All four of us linked our arms around each other and skated merrily. People were giving us weird looks, but we couldn't care less, we were having fun and that's what mattered the most. At this point I didn't even care about Ross either. It was the most fun I'd had in a long time, especially with all that had been going on. I was a little upset that I didn't get to skate alone with Danny, but this was pretty entertaining in itself.

Eventually, Arin thought it would be a good idea to "bump" into us, which caused me to almost fall until Danny, who I was next to, graciously caught me. Normally I would've been pissed off at him for doing that, but as long as I wasn't severely injured then it was all good. Also because all of my anger was currently being directed at Ross, who didn't seem to notice what was happening, but I had a feeling in the back of my mind that he just didn't care.


Soon enough, we were all getting pretty tired and decided to leave. It had been a long day especially since we'd been recording in the morning and then straight after that came here. Ross fell asleep again, and Holly drove him home. Mark and Barry rode together, and Suzy and Arin. Danny and I drove separately. We all decided to go straight to our homes and not stop by the office since it was pretty obvious that we were all tired from the day's activities.

After I got home and took a shower, I checked my phone as per usual before going to bed, and went on social media. Everyone had been going 'insane' over the picture I posted when Danny and I went on a date to the pier. I read through the comments which were all wondering the same thing, but decided to ignore them. It was the same way on YouTube too, everyone kept saying how Danny and I have great chemistry together. My phone buzzed with a text from Danny:

"I had a great time today and I know you're still pissed at Ross, but honestly you're even cuter when you're mad. I can't bear to be apart from you any longer. Goodnight <3"

With that, my heart felt a little happier, and I dozed off.

Our Little Secret: A Danny Sexbang Fanfic (DISCONTINUED) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt