Chapter 14: A Special Visit

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Mark looked across the room and saw me sitting on the couch by myself.

"What? You're not gonna come say hi to me, Jasmine!"

"Oh, sorry. I'm surprised that you remembered my name, by the way, we only met briefly." I walked up to him and offered my hand for him to shake, but instead he pulled me into a giant bear hug and squeezed my tiny body very tightly.

"It's good to see you too, M-Mark," I said through short breaths as he was squeezing the air out of my body.

"Oh sorry, am I hurting you?" He let go of me and I backed away from him out of fear that he might do that again. I observed his arms and it was pretty clear that he was in shape which is why he was able to have such an impressive grip. I hadn't even noticed that the rest of the Grumps were standing around us as well.

"Hey let's go over to the couch!" Suzy suggested, and we all went over to the huge couch where the live stream was filmed. It brought back memories of that wonderful night when this crazy mess really got started.

I didn't think to sit down beside anyone in particular so I just sat beside Barry in the corner, who I hadn't really spoken with or seen in a while. I was glad that he was able to be here today though.

"Hey Barry! I haven't seen you in a while, hope everything's been okay!" I said almost too enthusiastically.

"Oh hey, Jasmine. Yeah everything's been good, just had some things to take care of. I heard you've been liking it here. Also sorry if you've had to do a ton of editing, I'll make it up to you somehow."

"Aww Barry thanks, I'll have to remember that for when I need a huge favor or something, you know cause I spend a lot of time editing videos so it's only fair."

"Okay, sounds good to me."

He didn't mention anything about Danny acting strange at home or something of that sort, so that must've meant that everything was going well for them at home. That took some of the pressure off my chest of the whole "keeping it a secret from our friends" thing.

In those few short minutes I didn't even notice that everyone else had sat down on the couch as well and were mostly on their phones. I looked around for where Danny was and I spotted him next to Arin. I thought he would at least be a little upset that we couldn't sit next to each other, but he was as happy as he could be. Then again, I'd never seen him angry, so I just assumed it wasn't part of him to do that. We made eye contact with each other for a brief moment and he smiled his uneven, yet calming smile.

"SOOOO, MARK." Ross' voice almost makes me just from the couch.

"I thought you were kicking people's asses at the competition. You know, since you made it farther than we ever could in a million years."

"Oh yeah I did! I mean I didn't think I had a chance in hell to win it, which I didn't by the way, or else I wouldn't be sitting here right now."

"THEN WHAT HAPPENED. WHO THE FUCK BEAT YOU. THE GLORIOUS MARKIPLIER." Ross looked like he was going to rip up the couch by the way he was grabbing it. Arin, who was sitting next to him tried to scoot closer to Danny, but it looked like there wasn't enough room, or else he'd crush Danny. Danny hugged Arin to comfort him and I don't blame him. Ross was one crazy motherfucker.

"Who beat me? It was some guy from... Sweden I think? His voice sounded strangely familiar to me, but yeah I'm glad to be back so I can spend time with you guys and record more shit! I mean even if I did win I would've just donated the money to charity as it is."

"Well we're glad you're back, Mark." Suzy said in her sweet, quiet voice along with a smile. She was truly an angel for the entire time I knew her. I mean, she helped set up the first date that Danny and I went on. How could I not love her?

"Damn, if you won you could've gave us some of that money..." Ross started to say.

"Ross could you please shut the fuck up?" Danny asked the question that I'm sure was on all of our minds at that moment, he was just brave enough to say it.

"Good one, man!" Arin said next to him and gave him a high five as usual. That never failed to amuse me.

"Well I mean I was just in it for good fun... and is this all you're going to talk about because I didn't come here for that. In fact I don't even remember why I came here..." Mark looked deep in thought.

"Did you possibly come because we're your good friends that also like video games?" Barry asked innocently. Not having known Barry for that long, I was already starting to like him more. It's weird that I wouldn't know him well because we're both editors that work with the same people in the same place, but he's always gone or maybe I don't show up at the right times.

"That's correct, Barry. We all enjoy playing video games. That's what we should do then. Who's up for it?" Of course Arin and Danny both shout ME! Suzy, Ross, and Barry are up for it too but I wasn't really feeling it at that moment. I had just been on an episode of Grumpcade of course and that was enough of an adventure for me.

"Hey guys, is it cool if I just go and isolate myself at my desk to edit the latest Grumpcade episode?"

"Is everything okay, Jasmine?" Suzy asked out of concern.

"Yeah, everything's just dandy. I just don't wanna fall behind on editing and since I was just playing games with Danny and Arin I'm pretty tired out from all of the winning that I did." I fake yawned just to get on Arin's nerves.

"Hey uh Mark let's go play that game now." Arin suggested and started getting up from the couch. Teasing him was the best. "I've been sitting here so long that my ass left a mark."
Then there was that side of him.

"Dude I can see that!" Danny said as he got up as well. "Aww mine didn't leave one..."

"That's cause you don't have an ass, dude," Arin teased, slapping Danny's back.

Everyone was laughing and getting up from the couch so I did the same. They all headed in their own space to go and play video games, while I went straight to my desk.

"Hey, Jaz, we'll be in the other room playing games if you need anything." Danny said peeking his head through the door to the other room.

"Okay, thanks Danny." I flashed him a quick smile to let him know everything was okay with me. It was also the first time he called me 'Jaz' and although I've been called that nickname by many other people in my life, the way he said it just felt so... right. It sent shivers down my spine and not just because my seat was cold.

I pulled up the editing program and put my headphones in to start the process of editing the latest episode. I was a slow editor in general, but I decided to edit this episode a little faster than usual. Not for any particular reason, I just enjoyed that one a lot, even though I did technically have a few other episodes I could've been working on at the moment, but I figured I could just get this one out of the way and upload it and then take care of the other ones. I wouldn't try and get Barry to do the other ones even though he technically did owe me a favor, because I figured I would save that favor for when I would really need it.

I could hear lots of laughter from the other room. I was glad that they were all having such a good time, and I imagined that that's what it was like before I got here. I didn't want to remember my life before I worked here, so I got back to editing the video. Listening to some of the things I said in it, I really sounded like a douche but also an idiot. Danny and Arin sounded the same overall, I figured they would. Together, we all sounded like we were genuinely having a good time and it made me crack a smile.

After I finished editing, while I was waiting for the video to upload onto YouTube, I checked my social media, which I rarely do, but I thought since I'm apart of the Game Grumps now, things would be different on there. Boy, they sure were. I had gained TONS of followers, and I realized that that was probably due to the live stream that Suzy somehow convinced me to be on. She told everyone my social media and to follow me and that was during the Q&A. I'm not entirely sure how I felt about a ton of people following me as it was a new feeling, but I'm sure I'd get used to it. After all, this was my job and my life now.

Out of curiosity, I read through some of the comments on some of my latest posts on Instagram and Twitter. They were almost all about the same thing... Danny. I checked the dates on some of them and they were from the live stream. It scared me to think about what people would say in regards to the newest Grumpcade video... What the fuck was my life going to become?

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