Chapter 9: A Late Night

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The rest of the live stream seemed to be going pretty smoothly, until it started to get pretty late. All of the other Grumps were used to staying up until ungodly hours, but not me. 5 hours had went by since the stream started. We weren't really doing much, we were just talking about random things, hoping that people were still watching.

The part that was ruining it was that I was becoming more and more tired as the stream went on, and since Danny was sitting next to me, I couldn't help but lean more towards his shoulder to try and rest my head on it. However, I remembered we were still live and refrained from doing so. I was getting more and more sleepy by the minute, and was actually afraid that I would pass out right then and there.

At one point, Danny started to notice what was happening, and decided to check on me.

"Hey, you okay?" He leaned over and whispered to me.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just really tired. I've never really had to stay up this late before, but since this is for a good cause..."

"You can rest on my shoulder if you want, I don't mind. If you're really that tired and all."

"But isn't this like live and stuff? I don't really want people to think.."

"It's okay, it's late anyways, not many people stick around this long. If that really bothers you then..."

I thought about it for a second and then decided to take the chance. I guess I would see whatever people were saying about us in the morning.
Everyone else was still going on about who knows what, so maybe that would take away attention from me.

I leaned towards him and put my head on his shoulder. He didn't put his arm around me again, but I could tell he desperately wanted to. I guess he didn't want people thinking things that weren't true either. He played it cool and talked with the rest of the Grumps to make it seem as if I wasn't there. It was fine with me because I just needed some time to rest.

The stream seemed to really be dying down as even more time went on. Suzy had dark circles under her eyes, Arin kept yawning every few minutes, Ross got even crankier, Barry's voice was getting softer, everyone was exhausted. Danny had leaned his head on mine and we sat like that for a while. Suzy read out how much money was donated, and thanked people that contributed. She also told everyone that unfortunately, it was time to end the stream because we all needed some sleep.

As she hastily turned the cameras off, all of us headed our separate ways. Danny and I didn't really speak much afterwards, but maybe it was because we were too tired to say anything. Or maybe we didn't need to say anything.


As I awoke the next morning, I tried to get as much caffeine in my system as possible. I spent extra time on my makeup because I looked like a dead person when I got up.

Everyone was already at the studio when I showed up, and they were pretty quiet too.

As I was walking to my desk, Suzy called me over to her. I was afraid I knew what this was going to be about, but there was no use in hiding from it all the time.

"What's up Suzy?" I asked as I walked over to her desk. She was on her computer and Twitter was pulled up.

"Uh yeah, you and Dan seem to be the topic of last nights stream. Everyone else is getting nonstop tweets about it."

"I mean nothing major happened... I was just really tired..."

"Yeah I know. No one has a problem with it, it just never occurred to me that this would happen the next day."

"I thought it would and now that it has I'm not sure how I feel about it."

"It's okay, you're fine. It'll die down soon enough." She patted my back and smiled at me. This gave me a little bit of reassurance.

I calmly walked back to my desk to start working on editing some previous videos. I desperately wanted to talk to Danny, but I thought I would just let that go for now.


Danny's POV:

"Hey Suzy, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure Dan! What's up? You look kinda bummed."

"Well I kinda am right now. Arin won't stop bugging me about everything that's all over the internet right now, but that's not why I came to talk to you."

"Aww you can tell me what's wrong, I'll listen." She had a sad look in her eyes, but she was always there for me to give me advice, so she certainly wouldn't fail me this time. Especially when I needed her the most.

"I wanna tell her. It's been bothering me for a few days now. And the live stream just kinda made it worse. These feelings I have, they can't stay inside any longer. You understand, right? Or do I just sound like a complete idiot right now?"

"No, I understand. You just have to go for it, there's nothing stopping you. Ask her out already! Don't be a pussy! The worst that can happen is she'll say no, but that's just life isn't it? I believe in you, Dan."

She reached over and gave me a hug. She had never failed to make me smile when giving her magical advice. I came to her because I felt I could trust her on a matter like this. She was a girl after all, but that's not all. I didn't want everyone else knowing. I was good friends with Arin, but sometimes I just needed to keep some things to myself. This was one of those.

"Thanks, Suzy. I knew I could count on you."
As I was walking away from her desk, I passed by Jasmine's desk. She was working on editing some Grump videos as usual. I had the burning urge to say something to her, but I couldn't find enough courage within me to speak.

As if she heard what I was saying in my head, she turned around in her chair, maybe to take a break or something. She stood up and spotted me. I tried to act natural and not like I was spying on her or anything.

"Hey Danny," she said as she walked towards the kitchen.

I awkwardly smiled at her, then I remembered there was something I had to do. An instant rush of courage flowed through my body as I thought of the possible outcome. I ran after her into the kitchen.

"Whoa, you okay there?" She asked, looking up from the fridge door.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said out of breath. Man, I was really out of shape.

"Um can I um... I need to uh..."

"Breathe, and use your words."

I took a few breaths to return my heartbeat to normal.

"Can I talk to you, Jasmine?"

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