Chapter 17: Pointless Arguments

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Finally some drama in this chapter, enjoy as always cx

I seemed to be staring wide eyed in the distance because he asked me if I was okay.

"Yeah I'm fine, that was a life changing experience."

"What, have you never been kissed before?"

"No I haven't, Danny. I'm a 27 year old female who's never been kissed, of course I have! It's just that was probably the best out of them all. I mean that's probably not saying much because I haven't been kissed that many times, or by people I adored, but I mean..."

"I gotcha. So you're saying I'm a good kisser?" He smiled a goofy smile, as usual.

"Yes, Danny that's exactly what I'm saying. I wasn't talking about passion or genuine feelings or anything."

"Oh come on, you know I'm just messing with you!" He said playfully, and put his arm around me as we both gave each other a look that said, it's time to go home.

This particular car ride back to my house was different than the rest. Danny seemed to be in a particularly cheery mood, not that he wasn't in a good mood 99 percent of the time, but it wasn't the same as usual. I looked at him, singing along to his favorite songs by his all time favorite band, Rush. I couldn't help but smile, then it all hit me. We had just experienced our first kiss, and I didn't know about him, but I had been waiting for a long time for that to happen, but things kept getting in the way. It was like a weight had been lifted off both of our chests. We didn't have this tension between us. I leaned over and turned the music louder, then proceeded to join him in singing along.

Before we both knew it, we had reached my house.

"Wow, we're already here. I can't even use words to describe how I felt about today," he started to say.

"You already know I can't do that either. This is probably the first time where I don't wanna be home."

"I fucking wish we could spend more time together like this. This was probably one of the best days of my life."

"Come on don't lie to me, Avidan. I know you've had better days, you've done so much in the past."

"Well the past doesn't matter now, does it? I'm a completely different person. Trust me, I mean it when I say that I fucking had the time of my life today."

"Okay fine, I'll believe you. Only cause this whole thing that's happening right now is very attractive to me and I would pounce on you in a heartbeat if I wasn't so tired."

"Damn, I guess I'll have to wait for that day then."

"Looks like it." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before I got out of the car.

Today really was something special for me. I hadn't really gone on a date that fun except for when I went on one to a carnival in high school, which started off amazing, until my date vomited on me after we rode a roller coaster. So, scratch that, I had never been on a date that fun in pretty much my whole life. I'm glad it was with Danny too. He really meant a lot to me.

That night, I went to bed feeling hopeful, I actually wanted to wake up and go about my day tomorrow. I was too happy to fall asleep on my own, so I decided to listen to more of Danny's music. One day I hoped he would write songs for me. I found it absolutely disgusting how sappy I was getting, but it's just something he did to me. Even the texts I sent him were a sign of his charm. These thoughts continued to flood my mind before I drifted off into a deep slumber.

I sprung up out of bed the next morning, but as I was getting ready as usual, I dreaded going to work more than ever. I had hoped to God that Suzy's, I mean our lie worked. I noticed that I hadn't gotten any texts from Danny either which was strange, he did usually get to the office before me, so I hoped nothing too dramatic happened. Then again, we knew Ross so drama was always going to be a special part of our lives.

I walked inside and it seemed like every other day, everyone was in their normal places. I heard a few quiet hello's as I walked in. It was all pretty normal, until Ross ran up to me and scared the living shit out of me.

"What the fuck, Ross don't ever do that shit again!"

"Where were you and Dan yesterday?" He got creepily close to my face and stared into my eyes intensely. I could feel him burning into my soul, but I wasn't scared of him, he was very small after all. I took a deep breath and spoke as calmly and collectively as possible.

"Didn't Suzy tell you?" I stepped away from him and tried to walk towards my desk.

"Well, yes, but why were you gone all day?"

"I don't know, I guess I just needed a break from all the shit that's been going on."

"A break?! We have videos that need to be edited."

"I know, but we have Barry too. I know he's in more videos now, but he can edit once in a while. Plus everyone needs a break, I just get overwhelmed with work and stress that I forget I need time for myself too, so Danny took me to see some sights so I could take my mind off all of this even if it was just for a day. I hope you can understand that."

"Ugh whatever. You should've just invited all of us to go with you and not just Dan, and why Dan of all people?"

"Well, he knows what it's like to work really hard and have no time for yourself in the end and he's a really nice guy, unlike the one I'm currently talking to. Now can I please get to my desk?"

He rolled his eyes and I pushed past him and angrily walked to my desk. The office was dead silent and I could tell everyone else there had just heard what had went down between Ross and I. I was probably getting weird looks from everyone probably because they didn't think that I had it in me. It may sound childish, but he did start it after all. He almost pushed me to the limit. I was glad he didn't say one more word or else things would've gotten ugly.

I put my headphones in and listened to Danny's music to calm me down a little, even if he was singing about dicks. My phone buzzed with a text from Danny, finally.

"God you're sexy when you're mad. Also Ross is a dick don't let him get to you. We all need time off sometimes, take it easy today."

That text was the only reason I had smiled for the first time today.

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