Chapter 18: A 'Not-So-Relaxing' Playthrough

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while since the last chapter, I've been terribly busy with school so I hope you guys understand, but trust me I didn't forget about you and I certainly didn't forget about the story! So as always, enjoy this chapter!

I desperately wanted to look up from my desk and into his deep and loving eyes, but I was entirely too pissed off at Ross to try it. His eyes were probably trying to burn through my laptop screen right now. I didn't even really have any new episodes to edit, since I'm sure Barry had done something while I was gone yesterday. I didn't even know why I was trying to work then, since I had nothing to do.

I was desperately hoping that maybe Danny and Arin would record some new episodes today, so I could maybe try and sneak into them. I didn't want to ask, because it just seemed weird to me. I didn't have any clue as to how the fans felt about me, except for the very few that I had the pleasure of meeting yesterday with Danny. If they didn't like me, would I want to be in another episode? Usually I scrolled through the comments to see what was being said, but the idea of doing that now terrified me for some reason.

It looked to me as if my wish had come true because Arin and Danny were already sitting on the couch deciding what they would be playing next. They couldn't seem to decide if they wanted to play a new game, or continue playing something they'd already started. I looked over at them and Danny made eye contact with me as usual and he seemed to be able to read what my eyes were asking.

"Oh hey, Arin," he tapped him on the shoulder.
"Can Jasmine maybe play with us? I thought last time was really fun! You seemed to be having a great time!" He said as he patted him on the back.

"Oh she can PLAY with us alright," Arin said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes at the both of them as I got up from my desk and sat on the couch as they were still in the process of choosing a game to play. I thought about suggesting Mario Kart again since it was one of the only games I was actually good at, but I didn't know if Arin would be okay with doing that again. However, just then Danny found what looked to be a Sonic game and threw it in Arin's direction.

"Owie," he said as he reached down to pick up the game. He gave the game a look of horror, as if he was having terrible flashbacks. Somehow, this gave me a very pleasurable feeling inside.

"Let's do it!" I shouted from the couch.

Danny turned around and subtly winked at me as I said that. I tried my absolute hardest not to pounce on him although I was on the couch and he was across the room.


"Arin, please shut the fuck up," I said in a surprisingly calm tone.

Danny laughed and confirmed with Arin that we were in fact, playing the game. Arin set the game down and went to go make sure that everything was set up to record. I didn't think I'd get to be in another episode after the first one; I still had no idea how the Lovelies felt about me. On the inside, I didn't care because I was doing something that was actually pretty fun although most people would probably not view it as an actual job. Danny walked over to the couch and sat next to me. I felt very tense all of a sudden, mostly because I knew that we weren't alone.

"Hey can Arin sit in between us for this recording? I really wanna sit next to you, but Ross is such a dick and he probably already suspects something's going on, so I don't wanna add to his suspicion even more." I whispered to Danny. I was definitely making this a bigger deal than it needed to be, but I was still pissed off at Ross, and the fact that I was stuck working in the same building as him was agonizing.

"Sure, I totally understand. Just remember not to let anything that Ross says get to your head. It's just his personality," he answered back as he moved to the other side of the couch.

"OKAY EVERYTHING'S ALL GOOD TO GO, LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED." Arin shouted in our direction, to let us know that he was ready to start recording.

He walked over to the couch and gave us both a perplexed sort of look, but shook his head and sat down between Danny and I. He put one arm around both of us and asked if we were ready to go on this journey with him, but I could tell he was mostly asking me because I had never experienced him playing a Sonic game, and I'm sure I was going to be in for a ride.

The recording started and Arin said "Hey guys, why are we playing another Sonic game you ask? Well it's because I LOVE to torture myself, isn't that right, Dan?"

"It sure is, buddy."

"Also we have a 'special' guest, I mean you all should know who she is by now... It's Jasmine! As we've established before, she's my NEW best friend, replacing Dan!"

"Oh, we're really gonna go back to this again? Or are we just gonna get on this amazing Sonic game?"

"Right, we're playing Sonic and the Black Knight, I'm sure a LOT of jokes can be made from the title alone, and we'll be making ALL of them on the show. Joining us for this journey will be Jasmine of course because she has to experience what it's like to play a Sonic game with me as I'm sure Dan knows very well by now."

"Yes I do, and it's... special."

"Well I can't wait to see you lose your shit because I'm sure that's what will be happening," I said, and smiled at Arin as he hit the start button."

The game opened with a very bizarre cut scene and Arin and Danny made it way more interesting by adding their own voice over to it as I sat and watched. I could already tell this was going to be an interesting experience for me.


Once the game actually started, we all realized that it looked nothing like an actual Sonic game and it was truly an awfully made game.

Arin continued to make "gotta ___________ fast" jokes as Danny and I laughed our asses off at his stupidity. I had to say though, it was making the game all the more bearable.

"FUCK THIS GAME," Arin shouted as he continued to die in the same spot on the same level.

"Don't throw your controller, please Arin." I said through my uncontrollable laughter.

"I can assure you that won't happen... in this episode."

"Anyways, next time on Grumpcade! Arin possibly throws the controller, I don't know you'll have to wait and see," Danny said and ended the episode.

"Wow guys I had way more fun on this episode than I did on the last, and that says a lot cause I was kicking your asses. I'm gonna say it's because the game was kicking Arin's ass this time."

"I'm gonna have to agree with you." Danny said.

"PSHHHHHH, Sonic is a stupid blue bitch and you know it!" Arin crossed his arms and made a pouty face.

The door abruptly opened and Ross appeared. I instantly rolled my eyes. It had become an instinct of mine at this point.

"Hey guys are you done recording? I think we should all take a break from working so hard and go somewhere! As a group! What do you guys say?" He said, putting emphasis on the words 'take a break.' I knew he was doing it to spite me, so I remained quiet.

"Yeah sounds fun!" Danny said.

"I'm down, I definitely need a break after playing this especially shitty Sonic game."

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