An Ocean Of Thoughts

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An Ocean Of Thoughts

Chapter 2

Meredith's POV

    Crazy thoughts swim around in my head as the evening goes on. Alex keeps giving me looks that he's never given me before. My mind is running wild trying to analyze every stare. Part of me thinks it's nothing more than gratitude, but another part of me thinks that he's craving something more. I'm going to try not to read too much into, at least not right now. 

      It would be wrong for me to want Alex. He's been my best friend for so long, we've always had merely a platonic relationship, and he needs to figure out things with Jo.  Alex has been my other half, especially after Derek's death. With him and Cristina being gone for years now, it's brought us even closer together. He's the one person I can trust to be there for me and tell my secrets too. I love Amelia and Maggie, but they don't really get me like he does. Him and I could be good together, but he needs to sort out things with Jo. The last thing I want is for Jo to come after me. She may seem innocent on the outside, but on the inside she's a ticking time bomb just waiting for a chance to explode. She also seems to thrive on drama if you haven't noticed already. 

       Another gaze from Alex snaps me out of my thoughts. He comes back over from the kitchen again with two cups of hot tea. He tells me that it will hopefully get the alcohol out of our systems. Plus it's pretty relaxing and a good way to unwind before bed. "I think I'm going to leave Jo. I mean it sucks, but I think it's for the best. It's been a long time coming. Every chick I'm with ends up crazy sooner or later. I know it's not me, but with my track record it feels as if it is." I put my arm around me. "Alex, it's not you. You're a wonderful person, intelligent, sexy, loyal, and every other positive adjective out there. I've watched you grow from a complete jackass to a woman's dream come true." He half smiles. "You really think so?" I stroke his arm. "I know so. Now finish your tea and go to bed. It's been a long day and you need the rest." He nods, takes a few last sips of tea, kisses my cheek, and heads to the guest room for the night. I wash and dry off the cups and head to myself. I fall asleep seconds after my head hits the pillow.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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