A Night On The Town

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A Night On The Town

Chapter 36

  The next evening... fours days before the wedding...

   Cristina's POV

      I'm standing at a nurses table charting when Owen suddenly grabs my arm and gently pulls me towards an empty on call room. He tells me to sit on the bed while he stands. He paces a bit before finally gathering himself to speak. "Amelia and I are getting a divorce." I look at him in shock. "Wait... what? Are you kidding?" "Nope. I'm not kidding Cristina. I choose you." He comes closer and holds my head in his hands. "I am so in love with you Cristina and ending things with us the stupidest decision I've ever mad. I don't want to screw up again. I really want you back. Will you give me another chance?" I throw myself onto him. "Yes Owen. You don't know how long I've been dreaming of you coming back to me. This is the greatest day I've had in awhile." 

       He begins to tear up which is rare for him to do. "God Cristina thank you for giving me another chance after all of the fuckups I've made. This time will be different I promise. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do and will always be there. I'm not leaving you ever again." "I believe you Owen. You've changed a lot and for the better. I know that this time will be different."  He begins to brighten up. "Say let's go out to dinner. I get off in half an hour anyway and you get off in fifteen minutes. Do you mind waiting for me for a few?" I smile. "Not at all. I have to grab a few things and finish up a couple charts. I'll meet you in the lobby in 45 minutes." He nods and pecks me on the lips quickly before dashing out the door.

    45 minutes later... 

    Owen meets me in the lobby dressed in proper dinner attire while my hair is a mess and I'm only wearing a basic casual dress. He outshines me in the fashion department right now. "God Owen you look so hot and I look like shit." He grabs me by the waist, tips me, and kisses me. "You look beautiful. Don't ever say otherwise. Now let's go get food." He lifts me back up and leads me out to his car. We get in and sit for a minute. "What are you craving Cristina? I personally could go for Greek food." "Greek food works for me. Let's go to Aegian." "Aegian it is."

 10 minutes later...

   We arrive at the Aegian and immediately get seated at a patio table that overlooks the ocean. It's the perfect table for a perfect dinner. A young girl named Cassidy is our waitress and asks what we'd like to drink. I order a lemonade while Owen orders a coke. Our drinks come a couple minutes later by which we're then ready to order our food. I order some pastitsio while Owen orders baked Greek shrimp. 

   15 minutes later...

    Our food is placed in front of us. Owen begins to devour his food while I wait a minute for it to cool down. It's literally steaming. Once I see fit to begin eating, I do and man the food doesn't disappoint. I haven't had Greek food in so long. It's a rare delicacy these days. Owen and I certainly picked out the right place for dinner. He grins at me every time I moan. "I take it you're enjoying your food?" I nod eagerly. "Good because I wouldn't want anything less. Do you think you're going to have room for dessert?" I laugh. "I always have room for dessert." 

   30 minutes later...

     We move onto dessert. We're splitting a jumbo banana split. I'm not kidding when I say jumbo. It's literally the size of my head, possibly a bit bigger. It's certainly for more than one person. We attack it though and it's gone within fifteen minutes. Owen then requests the check. He tells me he's paying for dinner and all I have to pay for is the tip. I mean it's only fair right? We then head back home via a scenic route overlooking the ocean. "Thank you Owen for night. I needed this." He squeezes my arm when we get to a spotlight. "I needed this too so thank you for coming." He kisses me good night and heads back to his car. I linger in the doorway until we pulls away before heading into the house.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! I also wanted to let you guys know that I leave for college tomorrow, moving in Friday, and starting classes Monday. I'll still update but it might not be as frequent. I love writing fanfics so much and I will definitely do the best I can to set aside to post a chapter or two updates whenever I can. :) -Mary

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