Race Car

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Race Car

Chapter 19

Alex's POV

 The next day...

      I bring Mer to visit Sam the first free moment she is available which happens to be right now oddly enough. I grab her hand gently and guide her to Sam's room which is across from the nurses station on this floor. I knock on the door and Sam's mother greets us. She hugs me and shakes Mer's hand. Sam lights up when he sees me. "Dr. Karev!" He tries to fly out of the bed but his mother gently restrains him. "Be careful kiddo. Don't want you to get hurt. Sam I wanted you to meet Dr. Grey. She heard all about you and said you were awesome." 

       He looks at her with doe eyes. "You think I'm awesome? Well that's awesome and you're awesome!" She laughs affectionately. "Thank you Sam! I'm glad you're feeling better. You must be happy to go home tomorrow." He nods his head eagerly. "Totally. I can't wait to play with my race cars." She pats his head. "I heard from Dr. Karev that you like race cars and want to be a race driver so I got you a little something to go the rest. I'll be right back." 

        A couple minutes later she comes back with a wrapped small box and hands it to Sam. Sam opens it in a rush and shakes the bed in excitement when he finds out it's a new toy race car. I take a close look at it and it's a new edition Jeff Hardy one. Sam and I look at her in awe. "Mer, where on earth do you get it?" She smiles. "At Target. They only had a few left and I nearly had to fight a few people to get my hands on one." She turns back to Sam. "Do you like it Sam?" He pulls her forward and hugs her. "I love it. Thank you." She hugs him back. Her pager goes off. It's a 911 to the ER. "I have to go Sam, but I'll try to come by before you leave tomorrow." His mother thanks her for the car as well before she leaves the room. God my girlfriend is a beautiful human being. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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