Force and Passion Have Taken A Hold On Me

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Force and Passion Have Taken A Hold On Me

Chapter 12

Meredith's POV

The next morning...

  I wake up in Alex's arms and smile all the way to my ears. His body is warm compared to my cold one. This is the best way wake up in the morning.  I haven't had this feeling since before Derek left D.C. That was years ago. I've been craving that feeling so long and it's a blessing to have it back. Alex slowly wakes up and pecks me on the lips. "Good morning beautiful. Did you sleep well?" I peck him back. "I sure did. What about you?" He smiles. "Best sleep I've had in years." I nod in agreement. 

    Alex and I actually have the day off today, which is both ironic and awesome. We rarely get days off in our line of work. Alex and I decide we're going to spend the day hanging around the house that is after I get the kids off to school. Amelia's volunteered to pick them up during her lunch break. I feed the kids eggs and bacon for breakfast. I am careful to only limit them each to two pieces. That being because bacon isn't exactly good for you and their age. Too much bacon could damage their internal organs with the luck that runs in this family.  

1 hour later...

  I come back home from dropping the kids off to Alex watching Criminal Minds. He's so invested into that show. It's kind of adorable in a way. I see that he just started an episode so it'll be another half hour before he gives me his full attention. In the meantime, I do some cleaning around the house. By the time the episode's over, Alex diverts his attention to me again. He has a feisty look in his eyes that screams "I'm going to take you on the bed this minute." That's code for having hot sex.

    We do so for the next couple hours. Alex gives me some of his famous moves and vice versa. During our hot sex, I have about thirty orgasms and moan fifty times. When we're done, I take some deep breathes and try not to pass out from exhaustion. Alex is in the same condition. Damn Alex is good in bed. His reputation in that department is accurate. He's both forceful and gentle. It's always great to have a balance of both. Alex grins at me, indicating that he's finally caught his breath. "That was the best sex I've ever had Mer. You are amazing." I laugh. "So are you. Now I should freshen up a bit. I need to look presentable when the kids come home. Last thing we need is my kids asking us what sex is."

     Both of freshen up and take showers. When we're done, I make some spaghetti for Alex and me as well as set aside some for the kids for later. They love cold spaghetti as much as they do warm spaghetti. This is an amazing day and I know it's not over yet. Can't wait to see what happens in the bedroom tonight... if you know what I mean.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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