Date Night

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Date Night 

Chapter 10 

Mer's POV

Three days later...

        Alex is coming straight from the hospital and picking me up in a few minutes. I'm putting the last touches of makeup on and adjust my dress before there's a knock at the door. I yell to Maggie to tell Alex I'll be out in a couple minutes. I hear her greet him and footsteps walking across the living room. I run down the stairs as fast as I can without tripping in my heels. Alex looks up and his jaw drops. It causes my blush. He hugs me and whispers in my ear. "You clean up nicely Mer." I laugh and whisper the same thing back in his ear. Maggie takes a couple pics of us and tells us she'll send them to our phones. We get in Alex's car and head to the surprise dinner location he has yet to tell me. 

         "Alex, I've waited long enough. Can you please tell me where we're going to eat?" He smirks. "Fine I'll tell you. We're going to Corral Seafood. I overheard Amelia and Maggie talking about how much you've been wanting to eat there." I jump up and down in my seat and Alex mocks me by doing the same. We pull into the parking lot and I literally run into the restaurant with Alex following close behind. The hostess seats us at a nice corner table overlooking the ocean out the window. 

           The waitress then comes over to ask us what we want to drink. I ask for peach iced tea while Alex asks for a shirley temple. Our drinks come and then we place our food orders. Alex orders my favorite chicken shrimp plater for the both of us. "Why'd you order the same thing as me?" "You talk about the chicken shrimp plater so much I figured I'd finally try to myself." 

10 minutes later...

             The food arrives to the table and we dig in. While eating, Alex stops midway and furrows his eyebrows in thought. "Are you okay Alex?" He blinks and shakes his head. "I'm fine. Just had a thought and zoned out." I lean in closer to him and give him a somewhat seductive smile to get a reaction out of him. He smiles and leans in just inches from my face. "My thought Mer is that I've had feelings for you awhile and they've recently built up to the point that if I'm not with you, I'll go freaking insane." My heart begins to race. I've been wanting that for a few months now, but I tried not to make it too obvious because he was with Jo. "So I guess my question to you Mer is do you want to be with me too?" I lean in all the way and kiss him. He goes tomato red and stares at me in shock. "Does that answer your question?" He nods. We pay for the pill and head back to the car making out the entire way. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 


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