New Found Confidence

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New Found Confidence

Chapter 13

Alex's POV

    A little while later...

       Amelia pulls into the driveway and unloads the kids from their car seats one by one .They all go running to Mer. She hugs and kisses them each before coming inside. I go fetch the cold spaghetti when I see the looks of hunger on their faces. They begin to devour it as soon as they each get a plateful. Mer watches them to make sure that none of it goes flying across the room. They've been known to have food fights with spaghetti in the past. Zola starts them and Bailey usually ends them. 

        They manage without spilling a single noodle onto the floor. The kids go upstairs to do their homework and I help Mer clean up the mess. She throws me some paper towels and I wipe the table while she washes the dishes and silverware. We managed to finish doing so within ten minutes. We decide to watch the news and check out messages for a bit until it's time to make supper. The kids tell us all about their days at school. Bailey had most exciting one of all. He became friends with a new girl in his class named Sarah. He said she was pretty because she shared some fruit gushers with him. Isn't young love adorable? Ellis is still too young to attend any sort of school yet. She can go to preschool next year though which is great. Zola played hair dresser during recess and did all the girls' hair. She's actually pretty good at doing hair for a kid.

        After dinner, they finish up the rest of their homework except for Ellis who goes to sleep instantly. Bailey and Zola like Mer to read them a story before they go to bed. Mer sometimes has to pass that along to Amelia or Maggie when she's working a late or overnight shift, but luckily she can do it tonight. She pecks me on the cheek and tells me she'll meet me in the guest room in a bit. I nod and head to the guest room and chill until she's finished. 

45 minutes later...

  She walks into the room in this sexy way, shaking her ass back and forth with some Meredith sass. The sight causes me to break out in laughter. "Mer, I get it. You're hot, sexy, and beautiful. No need to make me drool any more than you already do." She rolls her eyes. "Fine, but don't deny that you like it because I know you do." I smirk. "Someone's gained some new found confidence." She pounces on me. "Indeed I have. Let me try it out would you?" I let her take over. She pushes me onto the bed and kisses every fiber of my body. I nearly moan but hold it back because the kids were only just put to bed a few minutes ago. 

    "Mer I've never seen you this passionate, but I like this side of you. Show it more often will you?" "Only for you Alex, only for you." We continue to have a hot makeout session until we collapse from exhaustion. God I hope our actions in the bedroom are this great all the time.

Hoped you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary



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