Easing The Tension

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Easing The Tension 

Chapter 22

Alex's POV

    The next morning... 

     I called Bailey regarding Mer's horrible hangover. She was a bit sassy at first, but agreed to let Mer have the day off. Though I leave for work in an hour. It's currently eight in the morning. I woke up a bit earlier to check on Mer who's obviously going to be sleeping through most of the day. I'm reluctant to even go into work, but I have patients to check on that can't check on themselves. Amelia told me she's working a short shift today so she can pick up the kids from school, babysit them until Mer wakes up, and check in on Mer when she has to. 

     I make myself some french toast and a bagel for breakfast. I down it as quick as I can so I have time to take a warm shower before I carpool with Maggie to work. As usual, I savor the feeling of the warm water hitting every part of my body. The warm water starts to turn cold after about fifteen minutes so I take that as my cue to get out. I throw my clothes on, grab my things, and head out.

That night...

      I had one exploratory surgery to perform on an infant to figure out the cause of his rare cystic fibrosis. Turns out the cause of it is due to hereditary genetics from his mother. I have to perform the actual surgery tomorrow. In the meantime, I informed the parents of what's going on and they gave me the consent to do so. The rest of my day consisted of physicals, treating patients in the ER, and charting. It's nearly nine already. Amelia texted me an hour ago to tell me Mer finally woke up with a warning that she's quite irritable at the moment. 

     When I open the door, I hear an irritable Mer yelling at Amelia. I run upstairs to see what's going on.  Amelia is charging at Mer and I have to get in between them to make sure they won't tear each other's heads off. It's a pretty nasty fight. Amelia brought up Derek and is trying to push Mer's buttons. I hate when she does that. It's very manipulative on her part. Mer looks like she's about to lose it. I gently but firmly tell Amelia to get out. She gives me a look of disgust, but follows me orders. As soon as the downstairs door slams shut, Mer breaks down. 

       "Amelia is so mean sometimes. I usually can handle her, but this is one of those moments I can't. In nearly every argument we have, she usually finds some way to attack me by mentioning how I didn't deserve Derek or how it's my fault that he died. It just breaks my heart. She also makes me feel guilty for moving on. I'll never forget Derek. He'll always be in my heart, but even I know he would want me to find love again and be happy. He wouldn't want me to a dark and twisty widow forever. Right?" I kiss her forehead and stroke her hair. "He would want that more than anything. Derek also knew Amelia had a lot of issues that she has been battling for a long time."

       She nods into my shoulder. "Do you think you can talk to her for when things cool down a bit?" "Absolutely Mer. Though I think I should wait a few days. We know how she'll be if we mention it first thing at work tomorrow." Mer sighs and wipes away the remaining tears. "You're right Alex. Thank you for being here though." I cup her face to make her look at me. "You know I'm always going to be here. You've been my light in the darkness for so long and I'm going to be the same for you. I am so in love with you. I promise I'm going to stay." She murmurs a "thank you" and falls back asleep on my lap on the floor. I stay in that spot with her all night. I continue to stroke her hair until I fall asleep in that spot myself.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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