Mission Was A Success

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Mission Was A Success

Chapter 5

Meredith's POV

   4 hours later...

    I'm grabbing in early lunch in the cafeteria with Arizona and April. I chip in the conversation every now and then with a somewhat coherent response. I mainly just chow down my food as quick as I can. I'm almost done with my food when Alex comes in. He makes eye contact with me across the room and motions for me to come to him. I excuse myself from the table, throw my trash away, and make my way over to him.

     "Hey I've been looking for Alex! Did you do it?" He clears his throat. "I did indeed as soon after we got to the hospital this morning. She didn't take it well, which was expected to be honest. I on the other hand am surprising okay. I mean I'm disappointed that our relationship didn't work, but I've come to realize that there is another woman out there that's even more perfect for me." I lean my head on his shoulder as we walk. "I'm glad that you're okay Alex because I didn't want to have to kick anyone's ass." He laughs. "You literally kicking someone in the ass? I have a hard time believing that." I swat him. "Don't be a sexist pig Alex." My pager goes off and I sigh. "Surgery awaits but I bet you probably need to pick up some things from the apartment. I'll take you over to get them because we both get off at eight. From there, you can stay with me."

      He scratches his head. "I appreciate that Mer, but I feel like enough of a burden as it is. Are you sure that's okay with you?" "Alex, you're the one person who doesn't drive me insane, therefore you're allowed to stay whenever you want and for as long as you want. I really have to run but I'll see you later." I give him an awkward one arm hug and run to the OR. 

That night...

       Alex and I both manage to get down with surgeries and patients five minutes before eight. Bailey tells us we can clock out a few minutes early. We head to Jo's apartment. I know that despite the happy facade Alex is putting on, he is hurting a little bit. Not to the life shattering/extreme depression point, but enough to know that some pain is present. His face becomes sad when he spots the engagement ring he bought Jo. He grabs it and puts it in his pocket. I guess he figures that she won't miss it as much as she'll claim to. 

        I grab a hold of his books, movies, cds, and electronics to put in boxes while he covers packing his male beauty products, clothes, and shoes. We manage to get everything packed within an hour and manage to get to my place without having to run into Jo. I guess you could say that our mission was a success.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 


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