How To Save A Life

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How To Save A Life

Chapter 17

Alex's POV

    Mer's alarm goes off and wakes both of us up. I groan, but push myself out of bed. Mer on the other hand, I have to drag gently by her legs to get her up. She responds by throwing multiple pillows at me. I'm not a morning person myself, but it's quite clear Mer isn't. I try to tell her pillow assault isn't going to change anything but she just rolls her eyes at me. 

      We have to go into work sleep deprived sadly along with Amelia and Owen. I'm starting to regret staying up so late, but at the same time I don't because it was nice to have socialization last night. Doctors are people too and deserve to have some down time every now and then. We may be viewed as miracle workers but the truth is we're only human. We can't prevent every person from dying, though we are able to save most of our patients. 

      The four of us car pool to the hospital. Maggie stays to watch the kids because it's actually her day off today. Plus it's the weekend so the kids are happy to have more playtime. They have a good amount during the week, but not as much due to school and homework. Kids need to enjoy their playtime when they can because once they get to middle school, there is no such thing as recess and nap time anymore. It sucks, but that's the reality. Though, the real work load isn't until high school so I guess that's the upside for them. 

        When we get to the hospital, we all clock in and go our separate ways. I know that I have to perform surgery on a five year old boy having kidney failure. I was finally able to figure out the cause of it a couple days ago through exploratory surgery and now I can perform the actual one. The boy is named Samuel and he's absolutely adorable. He loves race cars and collecting all sorts of Nascar merchandise. He even told me he wants to be a race car driver one day. By performing this surgery, I'm going to do my best to save his life and put him on the right course of treatment so he can do exact that one day. A boy like him deserves the world and more. 

8 hours later...

      After eight long hours, surgery is finally done. I was able to transplant the donor kidney successfully and so far there are no signs of rejection. Samuel will have to stay out of school for a couple weeks, be on complete bed rest, and take his medicine when he's supposed to. If he completes those rituals successfully, then he'll recover on time. I also made sure to update his parents and they hugged me like twenty times. Needless to say, they were grateful. I tell them he's going into recovery now and they can see him in about an hour. They tell me they're going to grab a quick bite to eat and come right back up. I nod and go grab a snack myself. I'm working an overnight shift so I need the energy to keep going.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary


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