Would You Rewind If You Could?

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Would You Rewind If You Could?

Chapter 20

Meredith's POV

 The next day...

    Alex and I see Sam off with most of the hospitals. Doctors, nurses, and technicians included. Everyone heard about Sam's story and was amazed by his strength and speedy recovery. His case is one that will certainly be one for the books. Before getting into his parents' car, Sam gives Alex and I giant hugs. We look at each other, smile widely, and welcome the embrace. Sam's parents thank us one last time and help Sam into the car. Sam continues to wave at us until we're out of sight.

      All of us head back into the hospital to go about the rest of our day. Alex has post op patients to check up in on while I'm grabbing lunch with Arizona. She asked me yesterday if we could since it's been awhile. I told her yes so I'm heading to the cafe now. When I get there, she's seated with her food waiting for me. I smile at her and motion that I'll be over to the table in a minute. I decide on a chicken salad with a side of steak fries. It's an odd combo, but it works for me. I take my food over to Arizona who instantly begins chatting away.

      "I miss Callie. Not in a romantic way, but as a fellow parent. Before the custody battle, we actually finally were at a place were we could raise Sofia in peace. I even considered us to be friends. Now Callie's fled to New York and there's no sign of her coming back anytime soon. I love Sofia more than anything and I'm so thankful that I still have her, but sometimes it's hard being a single parent. You know?" I nod sympathetically. "I know. I raised three kids by myself for two years before I got together with Alex. Before we got together, he helped out the best he could, but it still wasn't enough. Now that we're an item, he's around all the time and it's for the kids to have that male figure to look up to again. They haven't had that since Derek." 

      "Do you want to go back in time and change events of the past Meredith?" I sigh. "Yes and no. Certain events I would change like making sure Derek lived instead of Penny having a part in killing him, but I'm also happy to be with Alex. What about you?" "I would change everything about the past if I could. I mean I've accepted things for what they are, but I haven't had a great relationship since Callie. Despite the occasional nasty fight, I was truly happy with her. She just gave up on us. It hurt more than anything."  

       "Well this lunch took a depressing turn. Hey I have an idea. Want to get drinks tonight? Just and you me." She smiles. "That sounds great. I get off at 8. What about you?" "I get off at 8:30. Would you mind waiting a half an hour?" "Not at all. I'll use that time to do a bit of charting." We finish up our food and part ways until tonight.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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