Breaking The News

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Breaking The News

Chapter 27

Meredith's POV

  That night...

    Alex drops me off and heads to Owen's for the night. He wants some guy time with Owen while I wanted to have some time alone with Amelia and Maggie to tell them the news and fill them on everything that's happened lately.  Before I go in, Alex runs out to give me a kiss goodnight and a hug. I give him both return and open the door. Amelia and Maggie are having a frying pan fight. I go in between them. "What the hell? You're going to wake up the kids." They both frown and put down the frying pans.

      Amelia speaks first. "We're sorry Mer. We were having a basic debate over breakfast in the morning and before we knew it, the frying pan war broke out." Maggie puts a hand on Amelia's shoulder. "Some debates Mer just lead to war. We figured you'd understand that better than anyone." I swat away their pouting. "You're right. I'm sorry guys, but next time you do it, make sure it's during the daytime. The last thing I need is the kids to see their aunts fighting with frying pans. They'd probably get the inspiration to do the same thing." 

       "Anyways guys, I have some news and I think you might want to sit down for this. I promise you it's good news. Well at least I think it is." They sit down and give me expressions of eagerness. "Alex and I are engaged." Maggie squeals and Amelia looks at me in shock but then smiles shortly after. Maggie hugs me. "That's amazing news Mer! Now who's going to plan the wedding?" I try not to smile but fail. "I was thinking you could if you're up for that sort of task." She squeals again. "Oh my gosh Mer I'd love to. Can Amelia help?" I bite my lip. "I would but I have another task for her. She looks me questionably. "And what task is that?" I smile. "Why you're going to be my maid of honor." She hurls herself at me and knocks me over in the process. I laugh. "Where you really expecting anything different Amelia? This task was meant for you." 

        The three of us talk about the beginning of wedding plans for another hour or so before heading to bed for the night. As I lie down in bed, I wonder if Alex is excited as I am to get married. I like to think that he is.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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