Game Day

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Game Day

Chapter 15

Alex's POV

Three days later... game day

    Owen and I are the Seahawks game in front row seats having the time of our lives. The game started twenty minutes ago. The Seahawks are playing the Patriots, which is epic. The Seahawks and the Patriots are my two favorite teams so the fact they are playing against each other is both epic and heartbreaking. Owen hates the Patriots but I love teams so my heart is torn in who I should root for so I'm secretly rooting for both. 

3 hours later...

   The game is over and the Seahawks won 12-10. It was an awesome game and a close one indeed. Owen offers to treat me to dinner since I took him to the game. While I feel bad when people pay for me, I don't object. "How do you feel about Outback Steakhouse?" I pat him on the shoulder. "Sounds perfect man. I could go for a juicy steak to be honest." He laughs and we get to Outback within ten minutes. Coincidentally there's one not too far from the stadium. 

     I stay true to my word and order a juicy steak that comes with steak fries while Owen orders baby back ribs with sweet potato fries. For drinks, I ordered a lemonade and Owen ordered a sweet iced tea. We figure it's best to stay away from alcohol of any kind. The last thing I need is Mer and Amelia giving us a hard time as well as Mer regretting getting me the tickets. Luckily, that's not the case scenario. 

       Our food arrives a few minutes later and when it comes, Owen and I literally worship it. We take pics to show Mer and Amelia when we get home and then dig in. That's how real men do it. take pics of their food and then eat it. "This is nice Owen. You and I should hang out again sometime. I love Mer more than anything, but it's nice to have guy time every once in awhile." He smiles. "I agree. Amelia is incredible, but she doesn't understand my excitement over football or certain foods such as steak. I mean she likes steak, but doesn't get as hyped about it." We spend the rest of dinner talking about future plans, relationships, and medical cases we have. When we're done, Owen pays the bill and I throw in the tip. It's the least I can do after all. 

    20 minutes later...

     Owen and I pull into the driveway. Mer comes out to greet us. She hugs Owen and hugs and kisses me. She tells us Amelia in the kitchen stocking groceries. Owen thanks her and runs inside. As soon as he's out of sight, I grab Mer by the waist and she wraps her arms around my neck. "How was the game?" "It was great Mer. Owen even treated me to a nice steak and fries at Outback." She smiles. "That's great to hear. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." I kiss her forehead and we hold hands as we head inside. We spend the rest of the night hanging around the kitchen talking with Amelia and Owen. None of us even pay attention to the fact we have to be up early in the morning.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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