Rehearsal Dinner

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Rehearsal Dinner 

Chapter 30

Meredith's POV

  A week later... Rehearsal Dinner 

      Alex and I just arrived to the rehearsal dinner twenty minutes before it starts. We wanted a few minutes to ourselves before everyone else gets here. Well Maggie's here but she's off talking to the caterer about certain dishes. The caterer likes Maggie's admiration for cooking recipes as Maggie likes to cook a lot herself. "Hey Alex, can I ask you a question?" He leans in and pecks me on the lips. "You can ask anything. What's up?" I bite my lip. "Are you nervous about this dinner?" He ponders that for a moment. "A little bit because I'm afraid of saying something stupid. As you know from most of my stunts, I'm a horrible speaker. Other that that, I'm fine I guess. Are you nervous Mer?" " I'm not going to lie. I am pretty nervous." He grabs a hold of my hands across the table. "Mer everything is going to be fine. We're going to have a fun rehearsal dinner and everything will run smoothly. Maggie's got this and so do we." I sigh but nod in agreement.

      20 minutes later...

      Everyone is waiting outside the pier entrance and they slowly come towards us. The group includes Riggs, Edwards, Weber, Bailey, April, Jackson, Riggs, Ben, Arizona, Amelia, Owen, Penny, and Callie.  Callie moved to New York a couple months ago but are staying here until after the wedding next week. I was expecting Penny to come as well, but I forget her and Callie broke up right before the big move. 

        We all greet one another and take our seats as the first course is placed on our tables nearly immediately which is an appetizer of mozzarella sticks and buffalo wings. The entrees are cavatappi pasta with five cheese marinara sauce and prime rib. For dessert, is strawberry shortcake ice cream and banana splits. In the end, we decide on buffalo wings for the appetizer, cavatappi pasta with five cheese marinara sauce for the entree, and banana splits for dessert. It's an interesting mixture but it works thankfully.

        After eating, we all hang out by the ocean for a bit before heading home. The thing about leaving Seattle is you're surrounded by ocean and see it all the time, but you never get sick of smelling and looking at it. I'm so lucky to live in such a beautiful and scenic city.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary


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