Three Years Later...

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Three Years Later...

Chapter 39 

    Alex's POV 

       Life has been crazy for all of lately, but it's already been three years since Mer and I got married. Hard to believe how fast time flies. In addition to Derek and Mer's children, Mer and I had one of our own. Mer gave birth to her two months ago. I personally hoped we would have a boy to balance things out and my wish came true. You see, we wanted to be surprised by the gender of the baby until after it was born. Our baby boy is named Derek Alexander Grey. Mer came up with it and it's absolutely perfect. The other kids absolutely love him and play with them all the time. Zola even tries to dress him which always ends with an interesting result. 

        As for everyone else, here's a quick summary. Amelia is embracing the single life and actually got her own apartment with Maggie. They seem pretty content with one another. Owen and Cristina got remarried last year and haven't had any problems since. Cristina even moved back to Seattle and moved into Owen's place with him right after they got married. Bailey is still chief and continues to kick ass at it. Weber is co-chief and fills in for her when she isn't at the hospital. April and Jackson are civil co parents of their second child. Ben is finally an attending along with Jo and Stephanie. Arizona and Sofia spend the school year in Seattle and the  holiday breaks  and summer vacation in New York with Callie. Life often has serious complications for the doctors of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, but in the end things seem to work themselves out. We're all just taking things day by day.

Hoped that you guys liked this fanfic as much as I enjoyed writing it! Until next time, this is goodbye. :)  -Mary 

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