I'm Proud Of You

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I'm Proud Of You

Chapter 6

Alex's POV

     We get to Mer's around 10 and I immediately begin to unpack my things beginning with my clothes. I try to figure out where I'm going put everything and blush sheepishly Mer. She laughs. "There's several shelves in the closest to put anything that's not clothes. There's also a dresser and the computer desk with three additional drawers. I can always go in the attic to pull out additional storage boxes, coat racks, etc. I'll leave you be for a bit. I'm going to make us a late dinner. Does chicken alfredo sound good?" My stomach grumbles at the mention of it. "Sounds perfect." She smiles and heads back downstairs.

Meredith's POV

 Amelia got home at seven so she already made the kids dinner and put them to sleep. She told me she's staying at Owen's for the night. Despite her and Owen being married, they are still going back and forth about living arrangements. I try to stay out of it as much as possible. I love Amelia, but she's even more dark and twisty than I am, which says a lot to be honest. Maggie on the other hand got home at nine and crashed right away. So Alex and I get some time to talk by ourselves. 

   I'm currently making the chicken alfredo, which should be ready in fifteen to twenty minutes. The smell of it is giving me savage like cravings. 

20 minutes later...

    It's finally ready. I run upstairs to summon Alex. I tell him that it's time to eat and he can finish up unpacking later. He doesn't object and sits down eagerly awaiting for his dish of chicken alfredo. I place one in front of each of us and we go to town. Our plates are clean within five minutes and both of us go for seconds. We take a moment though to pause and talk. 

   "Alex, I know you claim you're okay, but be honest with me, are you okay?" He looks me straight in the eyes. "I'm okay. I mean a bit disappointed but that's pretty much it. It's been a long time coming. I mean I knew this was going to happen sooner or later so I guess knowing prepared me enough to be okay. I've accepted that Jo and I aren't meant for each other. I did make sure to tell her not to contact me outside of the hospital. We'll be civil at work for the sake of patients and those around us, but that's all we'll ever be." 

       I nod approvingly. "I'm proud of you Alex. You're handling this situation very maturely. You've become the man I've always thought you would be." He blushes and smiles. "Thank you Mer. That means a lot to me." We go back to eating in blissful peace. When we're done, I had up to Alex's room and help him unpack that way he can relax a bit before bed. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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