Adding Fuel To The Fire

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Adding Fuel To The Fire

Chapter 35 

Owen's POV

     Later that day... 

          Amelia and I promised each other this morning that we'd grab lunch together so we are. Amelia runs a minute late but that's not a crime. She volunteers to grab food for the both of us. I tell her to grab me some pizza and juice. She nods and gets in line. I hold my head in my hands and try to take some breathes. What I'm about to tell Amelia is going to absolutely shatter her. She'll probably hate me afterwards which is totally understandable. I'd rather be honest with her than continue to lie to her face. She deserves that courtesy.  She comes back to the table, sees that tension on my face, and knows something is up. 

        "Amelia there's something I need to tell you. It's been eating me alive for quite awhile and I can't hold it in anymore." She begins to tear up. "You want Cristina back. Don't you?" A huge lump forms in my throat. "I'm sorry Amelia. I'm truly sorry. I really tried so hard to get rid of my feelings for her, but I can't." I grab a hold of her hands. "Please don't think I didn't ever love you because my feelings for you were real." She looks at me in disgust. "Get your hands off of me. I HATE YOU. UNLESS YOU HAVE TO INFORM ME ABOUT A PATIENT, DON'T EVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN." She takes my pizza and throws it at me. She then pours my juice over my head before storming off dramatically. 

          Of course Mer and Alex choose that moment to come into the cafe to grab lunch. Amelia grabs Mer forcefully and Alex looks conflicted as to what to do. Meanwhile everyone in the cafe stares at the scene playing out. I turn to face them all. "Show's over so quit your staring!" No one says a word and turns their attention back to other things. 

    Meredith's POV 

    I'm begging dragged furiously by Amelia down a series of corridors until she settles on an empty on call room that she literally pushes me into, slams the door, and locks it. I look at her as if a screw came lose because clearly one has. "Did you tell Cristina to throw herself at Owen because Owen just said he wants her back? I've been married a year and now I'm getting a divorce because of your whore best friend."  

         I point my finger into her chest. "Don't you dare call Cristina a whore. It's not my fault that Cristina is the love of his life. They were together for six years before you came into the picture. They were the definition of true romance. They weren't perfect but their love was indeed true. I'm sorry he didn't chose you, but that doesn't mean you get to take it out on me. If you need me for support, I'm here. What I refuse to be though is your punching bag. Is that clear?" She nods and wipes away some tears. "Good now come here and let me hug you." She excepts my embrace and stays there for awhile. I occasionally stroke her hair too. 

         I feel for Amelia right now because I went through this a long time ago when Derek chose Addison over me when they got back together for a short period of time. It hurt me so badly, but I got through it. I have no doubt that Amelia can too. Though I do hope it doesn't get to the point where I have to choose sides. Though if I do have to choose, I'd choose Cristina in a heartbeat. Besides Derek and Alex, she's my person and always will be.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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