Meredith Vs. Owen

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Meredith Vs. Owen

Chapter 34

Alex's POV 

 The next morning...

    Cristina is going to work  late today so she's upstairs sleeping off last night's drinking session with Mer.  Cristina did most of the drinking surprisingly. Mer only drank two small glasses of wine while Cristina downed a whole bottle. While driving to work, Mer has been filling me up to speed on her conversations with Cristina last night. They were pretty deep. They involve Cristina and Owen still being in love with one another, but can't be together due to him already being married to Amelia and Cristina's indecisiveness. 

       "Mer, do you think one of us should talk to Owen? Personally, I think it should be solely because Cristina's your other half besides myself." "I think it should be too. As soon as I run into Owen, I'll pull him aside and talk to him for a few minutes. I'm hoping he doesn't blow this out of the water. The last thing we need is excessive drama a few days before the wedding. Things are chaotic enough as they are."  

15 minutes later...

      We quickly kiss one another and go our separate ways for now. I have a couple of physicals to perform on patients before assisting with Cristina later when she gets here on our surgical patient of the day. Cristina told Mer last night she'd be in for one this afternoon. It's currently nine in the morning. If Cristina doesn't show up, when she's supposed to, there's going to be a problem...

 Meredith's POV

     After two hours of charting, I finally have a free moment. I decide to take advantage of that and see if I can find Owen. I pace the whole floor until I nearly slam into him while he's coming out of Bailey's office. "Damn Owen I'm sorry." He laughs. "It's fine Mer. Though from the way you rushed towards me, I'm assuming there's something you want to talk to me about." "There is, but I need to do it in private. Let's go to an empty room." I let him guide him an empty patient room down the hall. He closes the door but not the blinds. 

       "Owen, you need to make a decision about who you want. You're married to Amelia but it's damn obvious you're still in love with Cristina. Even when she left, you still mentioned her constantly and tortured yourself by flipping through old photos of the two of you. She's still in love with you too,  but it isn't fair to give her high hopes of you guys getting back together again. Either you choose her or choose Amelia. You can't have both." 

         I can see anger forming on Owen's face. "You don't get to tell me what I can have and what I can't have. Do you think this is easy for me? Don't you think I want to love my wife as much as I love Cristina? Well I do. God Mer I've tried so hard to love Amelia just as much, but it has yet to happen." He takes a shaky breath before continuing to speak. "YOU DON'T KNOW HOW BADLY I WANT FIGURE OUT WHO THE HELL I WANT! I CAN'T LEAVE AMELIA BECAUSE I MADE VOWS TO HER FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE, YET ALL I CRAVE EVERY NIGHT IS CRISTINA. THE WAY I LOVED HER CONSUMED ME TO THE POINT OF NO RETURN. YET HERE I AM SPINNING IN CIRCLES. YOU DON'T HAVE IT AS HARD AS ME RIGHT NOW MER. YOU'VE NEVER BEEN CONFUSED AS TO WHO YOU LOVE. YOU LOVED DEREK AND NOW YOU LOVE ALEX."

        "You're right Owen. I've always been sure of who I'm in love with, but this isn't about me. This is about you. Cristina can't take anymore heartbreak so if you're not going to choose her, then make it obvious now rather than continuing to play with her feelings." Without looking back, I leave Owen behind in the room.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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