I Miss Him Mer

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I Miss Him Mer

Chapter 33

Meredith's POV

    That night...

       Alex isn't coming home from work until later so Cristina and I decided to buy some wine and bring it home to drink. Cristina told me she had something she wanted to talk to me about. Amelia put the kids to bed already so they'll be asleep for the rest of the night unless on the off chance they wake up. Amelia lets us in before heading to Owen's for the night. She's been married to him for a year but as yet to move in with him. She keeps claiming she's in the process of doing so. I love her, but I think she should be living with her husband. Owen is far more patient with her than I am to be honest. It truly amazes me sometimes.

         Cristina puts her head in her hands and dramatically sighs. "I ran into Owen today.... We both had a few moments." "Oh no. Cristina I told you to be strong about this. He's trying to put a spell on you again. You have to be careful. If you do anything too drastic, Amelia will probably claw your eyes out. She's the type to as you obviously can tell." "I know Mer. I told that we're only going to be just friends." I sigh. "Cristina, when it comes to you it's never going to be that you're just friends in his mind. Even though he's with Amelia, he's still in love with you. Has been all these years. When you left, he fell apart and it took a long for him to glue himself back together again." 

         She begins to tear up. "God Mer I miss him. I fucking miss him. I know that I probably can't get him back and it will cause world world three if I try to, but I can't help it. I haven't been able to find anyone as good as him. Sure I've been on a few dates but they never lasted. They were just short flings or one night stands. I put on a brave face today but I was dying inside. I don't know if I'll ever find that kind of love again." I put my hands on her shoulder. "You will find love again. I can't guarantee that that love will be with Owen, but you will find it. Love doesn't happen over night. You often have to work for that. You and I know that better than anyone. Just promise me you don't give up okay?" She nods and hugs me. She doesn't hug people often so when she does, it truly means the world. 

       We spend the rest of the night drinking and watching TV. The mood lifts as the night goes on Alex and Maggie join us. Before we know it, it's nearly one in the morning and we all have to go to bed. Man I really wish there were more than twenty four hours in a day. 

    Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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