A Medical Miracle

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A Medical Miracle

Chapter 18

Meredith's POV

 I've been waiting up for Alex for a few hours now. You'd think I'd be tired but I'm not surprisingly. Alex sounded so happy when he called me a few minutes that he's on the way home and I didn't want to bitch at him. He mentioned he wants to tell me all about the surgery he performed today. So I told him he could, but right after I'm going to bed because it's already one thirty in the morning.

   30 minutes later...

    Alex walks through the door at exactly two in the morning. He kisses my forehead and gently tugs me to couch to tell me about the surgery on the little boy Samuel. "Mer it was a mindblowing surgery. A surgery that normally takes twelve hours only took eight. As soon as I put in the new kidney, it instantly turned pink. It turned on like a light. I've never seen a new kidney function that quickly. Literally it only took about a minute for it to start functioning. Once the surgery was over, I took Samuel to recovery afterwards and the kidney still continued to function well. I even ran a few tests and the kidney shows no sign of rejection. It was a medical miracle."

     "That is amazing Alex. I wish I could have been there to watch the surgery in the gallery." He pats my shoulder. "I know, but I actually have a cool idea. Samuel is staying a couple more nights for observation before he goes home. Would you like to meet him tomorrow/later today?" "I'd love to, but now I need to get some sleep." He laughs. "Can't argue with you there. Let's go to bed." We hold hands up the stairs, strip off our clothes, and go right to sleep. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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