A Ferry Boat Proposal

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A Ferry Boat Proposal

Chapter 26 

 A week later... 

    Meredith's POV

The day of the proposal...

            The day I've been wondering about for the past week is finally here. Tonight and I are hitting the town tonight for a romantic date that he has barely told me anything about. Apparently it's downtown though. That's all he was willing to tell me. The strangest thing of all is every time I walk by Owen, he flashes me a goofy grin, which makes me suspicious. Him and Alex probably have formed some conspiracy like usual. I try to put the curiousity at bay to the best of my abilities and focus on work. 

   Alex's POV

    That night...

     I've been keeping Mer on her toes all week but it's going to be so worth it soon to see the look on her face when I propose to her. I'm beyond nervous to be honest, but mainly excited. I turn to Mer when we get to a red light. "I know you aren't the most patient woman in the world but you've been pretty good this week. I'm done keeping you on your toes. Our date tonight is something you used to love doing. It's been a long time since you've done it, but I think you're ready to do it again." She raises an eyebrow. "I wonder what that could be." The light turns to green and we only have to drive another four blocks before we're parked as close to the harbor entrance as possible. 

          "We're going to ride a ferryboat all around the city with a lovely Italian dinner." Mer gawks at me in awe and I snap a pic of her facial expression. It's one that I certainly want to remember. I also text Owen to stay in hiding for a little while longer. Don't worry he's not being held hostage. I gave him the money to get himself dinner this morning. I'm going to text him when I'm about ready to propose. He wants to video tape it and snap a few pics. 

          I lift her onto the ferry boat and an older man guides us to the sky deck. Mer takes in the view, closes her eyes, and smiles. "Alex how did you manage to reserve an entire ferry boat just for us?" "I had to pull a few strings, but things worked themselves out in the end." I pull her seat for her before sitting down myself. The menus are already on the table. I pick mine up and I'm an awe myself of how much Italian dishes they have. They literally have everything from basic pizza to lobster ravioli.  Now that I think about it, lobster ravioli sounds pretty damn good right about now. I think I'll order that and some red wine for Mer and I to share. 

         The waitress comes to the table and asks for our order. I order my lobster ravioli with the red wine for us to share while Mer orders spaghetti and meatballs. Our food comes about fifteen minutes after we order. I plan on letting the both of us eat before I pop the question. 

        45 minutes later...

      Both of us are finished with our main courses so we head on to dessert. I order a hot fudge sundae while Mer orders a banana split. We're just about done with dessert so I text Owen to head up now. He's been hanging out downstairs for a couple hours eating supper, checking emails, etc. I turn my head and mouth for him to stay on the staircase until I'm ready for him. he mouths an okay. "Mer, this has been an amazing date but there's something I need to ask you. I've been trying to build up the courage to do so and I finally have so here it goes." I take a deep breath and grab a hold of her hands.

       "Mer I've made so many mistakes in my life. Before I met you the first day of work, I was a mean and dark person. I hated the world and constantly spread misery to others. I never meant to, but it just seemed to happen. Becoming best friends with you and then your boyfriend is hands down the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm so grateful for the thirteen years we've known each other, but I'm ready to take a leap." I get down on one knee and she puts her hands to her face. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you Meredith Grey. So will you marry me?" She wipes away little tears. "Yes Alex Karev, I will marry you." I put the engagement ring on her finger and she flings herself onto my arms. Owen finally reveals himself from behind a curtain. 

       I smile and motion for him to come over. Mer looks surprised to see him. She hugs him and ask him what's he doing here. He tells Mer that he was able to videotape the whole proposal and snap a few pics. He then turns to me. "Alex do you mind if I take a few more pics of your guys post proposal?" "Not at all." Mer and I pose for a few pics for Owen and then take some of our own as well. Mer makes sure to get some snaps of the ring like most women tend to do. Owen hangs out with us for another couple hours before the ferry ride ends for the night. Owen pays an employee that money for the night. Owen hugs us both before heading to his car. We head to ours together, both of us feeling like we are on cloud nine. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 


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