There's No More Us

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There's No More Us

Chapter 4

Jo's POV

   The more I stare at Alex, the more nervous I become. My heart is racing a mile a minute, but out of fear instead of affection. He looks really angry. When I see Meredith coming in behind him and watching me out of the corner, a bit of anger forms in me. Of course that's where he was last night, he was at Meredith's house. I mean where else would be. It's so obvious that he's always loved her. I mean I know he cares about me, but he'll never love me the way he loves her. 

   I take a deep breath and make my over to him. "Alex, we need to talk." He nods and we head into the nearest empty waiting room. He sits down as do I. The expression on his face is quite grim. "Jo, you are obviously aware that we've been problems in our relationship for a long time now. You also know that we both obviously want different things. In addition to that, you clearly don't trust me. I've opened up to time and time again, but you have all of these hidden secrets you refuse to tell me and now have managed to cheat on me with DeLuca. Based on all of this, I've done a lot of thinking for the past month and I just don't think you and I are right for each other. We need to end our relationship before it gets anymore toxic."

     I sigh. "I agree but answer me one question." He nods. "I know I've been one to screw most our relationship, but there's more to it than that. You're in love with another woman and I'm practically certain that it's Meredith Grey. Is that true? Are you falling in love with Meredith Grey?" "Yes I am. I'm sorry Jo. You just pushed me away to the point where I found myself falling for the one person who's always been there." Tears begin to stream down my face. "So this is really it? After all we've been through, we're really over?" "I'm afraid so Jo. You should be happy though. This is what you wanted. You never truly loved me and now you're free to screw as many guys as you please. I'll be going your apartment to pick up my things tonight. Since you were the one to buy the apartment, it's only right that you get to keep it. Though after tonight, I'd like to not have contact with outside of the hospital. We have to be civil for the sake of patients and those around us, but it's never going further than that." 

    With all that being said, I watch him walk away, not once looking back at me. I stand there stunned by his lack of emotion. I guess he really is over me. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary


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