The World's Most Interesting Yet Boring Day

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The World's Most Interesting Yet Boring Day

Chapter 25

Alex's POV

   A week later...

    The tension between Amelia and Mer and Owen and I has finally died down which I'm extremely thankful for. Owen apologized to me yesterday and Amelia apologized to Mer a little while ago. It's good to have Owen back again. I missed hanging out and talking with him. I used to be pretty close with Jackson but he's distanced himself from everyone since trying to work things out with April. That situation is pretty messy to be honest. 

    Anyways I've been talking with Owen about proposing to Mer. He's all for it, though I had to swear him to secrecy. I know if he spilled it to Amelia, she wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut. Not only is she bitchy, she's also a chatty Kathy. She couldn't keep a secret to save her life. Owen gave me a great idea for it. He reminded me of how much Mer enjoys ferry boats. I could rent out a ferry boat for the evening, arrange a nice dinner, and then propose on the boat surrounded by the Seattle skyline and beauty of the ocean. I think that's pretty romantic. I could probably get Maggie to babysit the kids that night. "Owen, when do you think I should do it?" He pats my back. "I think you're ready to do it pretty soon. Book the ferry when you get a free moment. I'll pay for the expenses." 

     "Owen you really don't have to it that." "I know, but I want to. You deserve the best and to be honest, Mer truly is the best for you. I've never seen her so happy with anyone as she is with you since Derek. Mer dated some real assholes in that two year gap. If she should be with anyone for the rest of her life, it's you Alex. Now get that proposal in gear." I hug him. "Thank you so much Owen. I really appreciate it." 

    Owen gets paged and groans. "What's wrong?" My pager goes off a few seconds later. It's Bailey requesting a board meeting. "I didn't know you were still on the board. No offense Owen." "None taken Karev. Bailey actually put me back on recently. Now let's get this dreadful meeting over with." We head to the main conference room and take our seats. Mer, Jackson, Arizona, and Bailey are already situated and watch us gather ourselves. Once Bailey is satisfied that we have, the meeting begins. 

   3 hours later...

    The meeting finally ends. Owen looked like he nearly going to blow his brains out, Mer almost fell asleep four times on my shoulder, Arizona legs wouldn't stop shaking, and Jackson looked like he'd rather be anywhere else but there. As for Bailey, she was oblivious to all of this. As much as I respect and admire her, she really does go on and on in these meetings. I could easily summarize her points in three times less the amount of time as it takes her to do so. Luckily, Mer and I's shifts ended for the day after the meeting so we can go home for the night. We both clock out and I drive us home. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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