Just Like Old Times

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Just Like Old Times

Chapter 31

  Alex's POV

     Mer and I plan on spending the rest of the evening to ourselves when someone decides to bang on the door. We literally just got home twenty minutes ago. I groan but go answer the door. When I do, the person behind the door surprises me the most of all. It's Cristina Yang. It takes a minute for the shock to wear off before I hug her. "Cristina, what are you doing here?" She hugs me back. "I'm here for your wedding silly. Did you two really think I wouldn't be here to witness you getting married? I talked to Mer the other day. I'm surprised she never told you. Guess she wanted to keep it a surprise. I gave her a heads up I couldn't make it to the rehearsal dinner but told her I'd arrive shortly after. I'm here for two weeks." 

      "That's great news. It's wonderful to see you again." She looks at me strangely. "Since when did neanderthal Karev become so formal?" I laugh at that. "Mer's whipped me into shape a lot the past couple of years.  I never really noticed until we started dating. It's not a bad thing though. I could use some class. Stay right here. I'll go get Mer." She sits at the kitchen table and waits while I head upstairs quickly. Mer is sitting in the bathroom brushing her teeth. "Mer I don't mean to interrupt you, but there's someone downstairs who really wants to see you." She groans just as I did a few minutes ago. "I'm so tired though. I don't want to deal with anymore people tonight." I grab her gently from behind. "Trust me, you want to see this person. She came a long way just for you." Her face lights up at that hint and she shouts "Cristina!" several times while running down the stairs. Cristina opens up her arms and Mer jumps into them.  

        I'm happy for them. Mer won't admit it, but she's been lost without seeing Cristina much anymore. She was her other rock besides Derek. They get to spend the next two weeks together and I truly hope they embrace every moment of their time together. I have no doubt that that's exactly what they'll do. 

 Meredith's POV

      Cristina and I have been sitting in the kitchen talking for two hours now. I'm still in disbelief that she's sitting in front of me instead of on a phone or computer screen. I'm thinking of bringing her to work with me tomorrow to surprise everyone. I bet they'd love to see her. Cristina's all for the idea, but it is worried about running into Owen. "Mer I haven't seen him in three years. The last time I saw him we had hot sex and our feelings were all over the place. I haven't been with anyone since him and I still love him. What if I let my guard down and say the wrong thing to him? He's married to your sister gods sake!"

       I put my hands on her shoulder and gently shake her. "You'll be fine Cristina. If anything, he's the one who's going to be more out of shape than you are. No one else knows you're here except for Alex and I." She nods and starts to calm down. "You're right Mer. Though when I do come face to face with Owen again, I want you to be there. Is that okay with you?" "Absolutely Cristina. Hey I know what would make you feel better?" She perks up at that. "What?" I crack a smile. "You can assist on a few surgeries while you're here. I'm sure Bailey would be okay with that. By the way, she's chief now." "Good for her. Bailey kicks ass and she deserves to be chief. Also, that'd be fun. Just like old times." "Yeah, just like old times." 

    Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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