Get to know me (the author)

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Hello! I'm the author of the book your currently reading! I hope you're enjoying it and if your not the don't read. I write for entertainment and enjoyment, so if your not enjoying or having a splendid time reading this, it's ok to leave. I won't be offended. However this is the first "book" that I'm putting out there in the world so, go easy. I take criticism not hate. So feel free to correct me if I have made an honest mistake. I have most of this story written on paper, so "updates" ( or whatever their called ) will be on the reg ( that means "regular" in gangster ( jk I'm not a gangster, sorry mom ) ) if anyone will even reads this mess called a "story". name will remain unnamed ( little Dr. Seuss action there....) for the sake of me. I'm a 14 year old female who enjoys long walks on the beach ;). But in all seriousness I do love the beach. And dance. I've been dancing since I was a wee little tot. I've been writing since I could hold a pencil...or at least try to.

So now you know a little bit about me...if anyone even bothered to read any of this. If you did I love you. And if you didn't then you don't get the joy of knowing the information I just presented. Happy reading! :)

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