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I woke up naturally tangled in my sheets. It's was 7:00, and it wasn't a dream. I truly did find my brother and here I was, in his apartment.
I leave the bedroom and go into the terrace, where there was a perfect view of the city and early morning sun. I lean against the metal railing. Moments after I hear a thump on the terrace door.
I quickly turn around and see nothing. I peak my head in the living room.
"Andrew?" I ask calling out quietly, but loud enough.
I wait for an answer, but never got it. I look around once more, until coming to the uneasy conclusion that it was just that house settling.
I turn back around to lean on the railing again. I was greeted by a sly, furry animal that cause me to jump back into the door. A cat.
A cat sits peacefully on the railing, enjoying the sunlight on its black and white fur. It wasn't a kitten, but it wasn't full grown either. I was just about to shoo it away when a heard a voice.
"I see you've met Renni." Andrew said with a groggy morning voice.
"Renni?" I ask turning around.
"Yeah, he's my cat."
"I didn't see a bowl with cat food or water, or a kitty litter," I said fighting him on whether he has a cat or not.
"Kitty litter's in my room, and I hide his food and water bowl in a cupboard in case the landlord comes in. We're not aloud to have pets, but I saw Renni on the street and couldn't pass him up." Andrew explained.
     I looked over at Renni who had had its head and tail held high as if it was he who won the argument. He curls up right up against the couch.
     "He's spoiled." Andrew said, addressing the amount of attitude his cat gave off.
     I nod in agreement. I then sat down on the couch, far enough away from Renni.
     "So, what're we going to do?" I ask Andrew.
     "Talk to our uncle. I think he's the one that saw our dad last, and they were real close. He lives about an hour or so away." Andrew posed.
"When are we leaving?" I asked him, surprised that he actually had an agenda for the day.
     "In a little bit, I want to give us a lot of time." He answered.
     I looked out the clear sliding door to the terrace, the sun was crawling it's way up to the sky.
     "Do you want any?" I heard a voice ask. I look over and see Andrew pointing to his bowl of cereal.
     "Sure," I say, being reminded that I need to eat.
     I go to the bathroom to put up my hair. I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection, however it didn't really look like me. My dirty blonde hair was still in its usual tangled mess, but the seemingly baggy bags under my eyes have disappeared. My skin didn't look as pale as it usually does. My cheeks had a natural blush to them, which I didn't even know I had. My lips, they were pink and seemed fuller, if even possible.
     And my eyes. My eyes were noticeably different. They were still that unknown dark color, but held something that I haven't seen in a while. Hope.

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