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     Andrew and I got into his older, worn down Forerunner. Again, it wasn't much, but it's still much more than what others have.
     "So where does he live," I ask him as he backs out of the parking garage.
     "San Bernardino, so get comfy, we have a drive ahead of us," Andrew answered going a little fast for still being on a neighborhood street.
Fifteen minutes go by and we are on the highway, along with few other cars.
The radio was on a low volume, but loud enough to break an awkward silence.
I stare out my window as we race across the highway, when I hear sirens. My heart drops down to my stomach, still beating what seems like a hundred times a second.
Andrew looks in his rear view mirror and sees that the cops are behind him.
"Shit." He says under his breath, as he pulls over to the left side.
I lean all the way back in my seat, hoping and praying that the officer won't recognize me.
"Do you know how fast you were going?" The cop asks, with his hands on his hips.
"Fast enough for you to pull me over," Andrew said with a straight voice.
The officer stands there for a second until he says, "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to get out of the vehicle, with your license, please."
Andrew unbuckled and got out of the car, and the second officer came out to see if Andrew was drunk, thanks to his snide remark.
The first officer came back over to the car and peered his head over the window, looking for any trace of alcohol. He then looked at me.
"What is name ma'am?" He asked me squinting his eyebrows together.
"Alex." I lie. It was the same name I gave to Mr. Bradford.
     "What is your relationship with the driver?" He then asks, looking at a piece of paper on a clipboard.
     "He's my step brother." I answer, lying straight into his eyes.
     The officer nods still looking on his clipboard. He then walks over to Andrew, who was proven not drunk.
     "What is your relationship, with the young women in the passenger seat?" The same officer asks him.
     "She's my step sister," he said looking at the officer.
      "Well, just watch your speed," the officer said giving Andrew a ticket. The officer walked away, looking slightly angry.
     "How did you..?" I start to ask.
     "I saw step sister written on his clip board." He explained turning back into the freeway. "Idiots." He then mumbled under his breath.
     My heart slowly started to return back to its normal state. Andrew thew the ticket in back seat.
     "How will you pay off the ticket?" I ask him. He didn't have money for extra things, such as scented hand soap, fancy water with bubbles and flavor, or speeding tickets. He barely had enough for the bare essentials.
     "It'll take about a month, or so, but I'll pay it off. I work at the grocery store and get minimum wage." Andrew explained. He still seemed a little angry.
     We drove for about an hour or so, going the correct speed limit, when we finally got off the highway. And before I knew it, we turned on Spruce St. and Andrew parked his car.

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