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The next morning I awoke to Ms. Brady calling us down for breakfast. I look over to the air mattress on the other side of the room, and saw Brayden still fast asleep.
I rub the leftover sleep from my eyes and head to the dining table. I sat in my usual spot, in the corner, picking at my toast. I start to nibble on it when I saw Brayden come down the hall.
I look back down at my food. I didn't want to talk to anyone.
"Jacklynn Carter," I heard Ms. Brady announce. She then motions me to the office once she had my attention.
"Brayden has requested to stay in your room, and since their are no openings in the boys' corridor, I'm allowing it," she explained.
"What if I don't want him in my room." I state through gritted teeth.
"Too bad. It doesn't matter what you want," she said as she smiled victoriously.
"I was in that room first," I state in the same manner.
"I don't care, honey," she said in a non-chalant voice.
Before I knew it, I lunged over the desk and ran my finger nails down her cheeks and pull her hair, all the while she's screaming.
I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and forcefully pull me away from her. It was Ms. Feilds. She was known as Ms. Brady's partner in crime.
I struggle as she drags me through the kitchen and the dining room, where everyone sat, then outside. She locks the door and considers this as "punishment".
I ran to my tree and rest up against it. I've always had anger issues. You would to if you went through what I went through.
Minutes pass by and I have calmed down. I was still outside, and will probably be here for a while. And I'm ok with that.
That just means I'm away from that boy - Brayden, who was now my permanent roommate.
I soon find myself drawing figures and shapes in the dirt. I find it calming. If you mess up, all you have o do is rub your shoe against it, and then your canvas is clean.
However, it's unrealistic. Life isn't that simple. It will never be simple.
I tuck a stay piece of blond hair behind my ear, as I hear footsteps crunch in the grass behind me.
"Jack?" The families voice of Brayden asked. I stay silent and keep running my stick across the dirt. "I just want to get to know you. I didn't mean for you to get in trouble," he further explained.
I hear his footsteps walk around and he sits in front of me. I keep my eyes down towards the dirt.
"C'mon, rooming with me won't be that bad-" he started to say.
"I don't want to room with you," I state in a stern voice with my eyes flickering up.
"God, your impossible," he laughs. I full look up at him. "You just looked lonely so I-" he started to recover as he saw my face.
"I don't want to be friends," I say harshly. "I don't need them. I don't need anyone." I then say quietly.
Brayden stays quiet. I continue to draw in the dirt. Moments of silence pass by. Neither of us said of made a sound. I hate it.
I hate that the silence has to be shared with another person.
The silence was soon broken by kids emerging through the back door. I look over my shoulder and see a group of kids walking over here.
I stare at them. They don't even acknowledge my presence. To them I'm invisible.
"Brayden, you should come with us," one of the older guys said.
"I'm good. I think I'll stay here," he said squinting his light blue eyes. I sharply look at him in response.
"C'mon, you really want to stay here with this," a girl with red fiery hair said, finally acknowledging me.
"Her names Jack, and yeah. I want to stay here," he said with very little emotion. The group of kids finally gave up.
"So do you have any siblings?" Brayden the asked after a moment of silence.
I look up at him as he waits for an answer. He sat there contently waiting.
"I had a brother," I finally say quietly.
"Had?" He then inquires.
"Got separated." I say shortly, seemingly incapable to speak full sentences.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he spoke.
I shake my head in response.
"Don't be."

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