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I fell asleep under the slide managing to not be found by the cops. It was early morning and the sun was just barely peeking through the earth.
I cautiously got up from under the slide and start walking over to Blaise's house from memory. I eyeball her exact house and street.
     I knock on her door to be greeted by a sleepy Blaise.
     "Jack? What're you doing here?" She asks groggily.
     "Um long story, but I need to come in." I say not  giving her the option of yes or no.
Blaise clears the doorway as I walk in. She takes me to her living room as her parents are still asleep upstairs.
"So what's up?" She asks tucking her legs up on the couch.
I explain the past events that had happened in the last 24 hours or so and finish with:
"I basically need a place to 'hide' until I can find my brother."
"Wait, hold on, why till you find your brother?" She then inquires.
"The book has his name on it and he was a toddler. He probably either knows or even remembers more than me. If and when I find him he might have an explanation about our mother in the pictures."
"Right, 'cause she died when she gave birth to you."
"Correct." I nod.
"Is he even in here in California?" Blaise then asks.
"Yeah, I saw him a couple weeks ago which is a whole other story." I say.
     "Alright. I'll tell my parents that your don't mom went on some business trip and doesn't know how long she'll be." Blaise states making up the story.
     "Perfect. Ok I'm going to be right back. I want to go to the orphanage and look for the sign in sheer to get in. Hopefully I can find the copy of my file and get information about him." I explain.
     "Just don't get caught by the police," Blaise states as I walk through the door.
     I like Blaise. She was my best and only friend then and she is now. She doesn't make stupid remarks or deal with other people's crap. It's refreshing to know that someone else like that is out there.
     I walk behind bushes and in people's yard if I have to. I soon approach the orphanage. By the time I got there, there were children playing in the yard. My eyes dart to what was my tree. I expected there to be no one sitting on its trunks, however there was one boy who proved me wrong. He had striking blue eyes and dark hair. Brayden.
     I stare at him as he sits alone, where I use to sit. He doesn't see me, but I wasn't making myself obvious.
     Ms. Brady soon catches my eye, along with Ms. Fields. They were both outside in the corner, talking, which means that there is no 'guardian' inside. I quickly run to the front door and creak it open quietly. I look down and walk to what used to be my room. I and Brayden's room to be exact.
I look down and open the door to be relieved by the sight of Brayden's stuff. He was still in this room.
However, he did not move into my bed. He was still sleeping on the floor, only with two blankets. I look around as the room has not changed one bit, granted it's only been a week or so, one would think he'd at least switch over to my bed.
I had to wait till almost all the kids were outside, as the file cannot is in the closet in the main room. It'd only take my 30 seconds max to grab the copy of my file, but why risk the chance.
I suddenly hear the door creak open. In one move I swiftly turn around to see a shocked Brayden.
"Jack," he says exhaling. "Oh my God, Jack?" He asks again with blue eyes filing with happiness.
I slightly nod my head as he walks towards me and opens his arms. I give him a small hug, not wanting things to get to sentimental.
"I need you to do me a favor." I say.
"What, no explanation as to why you're here?" He asks.
"It's a long story, but I need my file. So can you tell everyone in the den to go outside. It'll take me 30 seconds at most." I say with a straight voice.
"Ok but then your just going to leave?" Brayden asks. I can see the hurt in his eyes. That was never my intention, but then again it's not entirely my fault.
"Brayden I have to-" I start insist in a serious tone.
"No, Jack, I've missed you. It's been hell here for me. Now granted you didn't talk much, but your presence and being kept me company." He said with a tad bit of anger.
"There are 50 kids at this orphanage. You can make new friends." I say in an obvious tone.
"None of them are like you. None of them have  blue eyes, a dimple on their left cheek." He state lowly.
     I look up at him surprised. "How did you even remember that."
     Brayden shrugs. It has only been a week, but he seems to have grown more mature and aware of the world around him.
     We sit in silence for the next couple passing moments.
     "So are you going to do it?" I then ask in the same tone I used earlier.
     Brayden looks down at me. I hear him sigh.
     "Fine." He said. "Your not staying afterwards are you." He then stated.
     I shake my head. I see him start to shift his weight. He was acting off. This want the Brayden I know. This wasn't the Brayden that was my drug.
    "What's wrong?" I then ask. It's something I rarely ask. 
     "I miss you and I don't know why it's effecting me so much. Things similar to this has happened before, but this time it's just...it's just different. I feel different." He says struggling to get his words out.
     "I miss you too." I sigh. "But there's nothing we can do. We can't sit here and have a sob fest." I say as light as possible.
     "Yeah I know. You've taught me that." He then scoffs.
     I slightly smile towards the floor. I feel Brayden's eyes on me. I look up at him. He takes a step closer and in a swift movement, he attaches his lips to mine.
     The familiar adrenaline rush came back to me, where I felt as if I was going down on a rollercoaster. It was a somewhat, surprising, comforting feeling.
    "You've also taught me to go out of my personal box, which gave me the guts to do that." Brayden says softly, with the air from every syllable he iterated on to my lips.
     This boy is killing me as slowly as possible.

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