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     I stared out the window of Blaise's mother's grey, worn down Chevy. I'm not going to find anything. I'm never going to find anything. It'll all just be a question with no answer.
     "You can just drop us off at the corner here at Springbrook" Blaise said peering over the to the front of the car.
"Are you sure because-"
"We're sure." Smiled Blaise cutting her mom short.
"Ok. Just be careful and I'll pick you girls up around 4:00, here. Two hours should be fine" her mom stated.
We both got out of the car thanking her, then watch for her to drive off.
"You don't have any address?" Asked Blaise with hope.
"No." I say sullenly.
"Ok. Well, you don't remember anything do you" said Blaise answering her question.
      I look around the neighborhood. It wasn't nice, nor ghetto. It was just kind of there. An old man was watering his seemingly dead grass, unknowingly staring at us.
     "Should we ask if anyone knew the Carter family" asked Blaise staring to lose the hope.
     "Nobody's gonna know." I say without making eye contact. "I don't know what to do" I then sigh.
     "Hey, you'll be fine. We're in the right neighborhood." Blaise reassured me. She then looked around once more. "I'm pretty sure we are, at least."
     Silence then took over.
      "Are you girls looking for the Carter family?" An old raspy voice asked.
     We turn around and see that the old man had stopped watering his already dead grass.
     "Yeah, we are. Did you know them?" Blaise chirps up.
     "I knew them alright. I knew them very well," he said looking at me. He then took his intense focus and placed it on the sky. "And they knew me very well also, I suppose."
"Do you remember what house they were in?" Blaise asks with her voice growing quiet.
"Pardon me asking but, why so interested in the Carter family?" The man proceeded.
"Oh, um, one of our friends was good friends with their daughter-" Blaise started to say.
"Oh yes, Jacklynn," the man chirped up. He attention went down to his feet as if he was trying to remember. "She was a sweet girl, and the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Much like yours, my dear- My apologies I didn't catch your names." The man continued.
"I'm Alex," I say in a rushed voice. "And this is my friend Mary, and yours is...?" I then ask.
"Oh yes I must have forgotten. You girls can call me Mr. Bradford." He answered in a calm manner.
"Yes, um, Mr. Bradford we were wondering if you had any information on the Carter family?" I take charge and ask.
He looks around the neighborhood and says,"Come in. I have something that might help you girls."
We hesitantly follow him as he slowly makes his way into his house. When we get in I immediately notice a familiar picture of a women on his wall.
     She had dirty blonde hair, much like mine. Her eyes were a darker shade of blue, however recognizably blue. Realization soon set in and I realized that it was
     "Oh don't mind the pictures. That's my daughter, Cara."

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