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The drive back to Andrew's house was silent. None of us said a word. Just the radio to fill the loss of sound.
He parked in his garage and sat there, hand still on the gear shift. He was staring at it, as if he was waiting for it to move on it's own.
     "Was he our real uncle?" I ask, breaking the silence. I was secretly hoping for him to say no, and that our parents didn't hide their children from the world.
     "Yeah." He breathed out, eyes still glued the gear. His answer was short and quiet. 
     "What?" I then ask not knowing what else to say.
     "He knows something. I know he does. Why else would he try and...take you like that. It's like we're ticking bombs, ready to explode and he has to hide us or something. But that doesn't make sense considering he didn't even know we existed." His dark eyes were know darting everywhere.
     What he said makes perfect sense. We were exactly like ticking bombs, but the situation in itself made no sense at all.
     We get out the car and walk up to his apartment. We were greeted by Renni, purring at Andrew's ankles. The thing was basically a dog in a cat.
     Andrew sat on the couch and rested his head in his hands. At this point I didn't know what to do. I walked over and sat at the opposite end of the couch.
      I looked at the clock in the kitchen. 8:17. I felt the need to go back in the city, to the orphanage. I needed to talk to find the orphanage where I was first dropped off at. I needed to find my records. They were kept in a separate file, containing public information, such as my history of where I went to school, or in my case, orphanages.
Those records held where I went the time, date, and who took was my 'guardian.' I didn't realize the importance those records held until now.
     Suddenly, Brayden came to my mind. He always found a way into my brain, no matter what I was doing or what state I was in. He was in the very back corner of my mind, where I didn't always notice him, but he was always there. That's when I made up my mind.
"I'm going to go to the city." I state, standing up.
"No, your not. At least not alone." Andrew said pulling his head out of his hands.
"I'll be fine-" I start to say.
"Does nothing phase you? Somebody just tried to kidnap you and now you want to run off to the city, on your own? Your insane." He said.
"I know." I stare seriously. "And I'll be fine, but I'm going no matter what you say."
"Then I'm going with you." He said standing up with me. "And I'm going no matter what you say." Andrew smirked, throwing my own words back into my face.
"Fine." I say scrunching my eyebrows.
He grabs his keys and we were once again on the road, and Renni was once again waiting at the door, like a dog, for our return.

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