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I woke up around 3:05 to a dry throat. My window was open and the summer breeze was seemingly stronger. I start to get up when I the front door open.
I walk out of my room and walk quietly to the front door, unsure with how it was. I look around on the corner and see Andrew stumbling into the apartment. The door was wide open he was making his way to the kitchen table.
"Andrew, what are you doing?" I whispered to him, as Brayden was asleep a couple of feet away.
"Having fun, little dude!" He said in a broad voice. "You should really try it sometime and just let loooooose," he then slurred.
I quickly shooshed him and I hurriedly walk over to him. His breath reeked of alcohol and he could barely stand. I sit him down at the kitchen table.
"What are you doing? The party doesn't stop here!" He then slurred in a loud voice.
"Be quiet!" I whisper yell, as I see Brayden stirring.
"The party doesn't stop here," he then whisper yells. However, it was more yell rather than whisper.
"What happened?" I then hear a groggy voice from behind me. I turn around and see Brayden with his slept on hair and foggy eyes.
"He got drunk," I say looking back at Andrew. "Somehow." I then add.
"I'm not drunk," he said furrowing his eyebrows like a 5 year old.
"Give him some water and let him pass out." Brayden suggested. "Worked every time my mom got drunk."
I listen to his advice and give Andrew a glass of water, which he wouldn't take.
"Where did you even go?" I ask him, after he pushed away the water. I was getting a little angry.
"To drink, duh." He said. However right after he said that, his entire demeanor changed. I saw it. His eyes went from blue to black, gradually. "Stupid people. Trying to hide us from everyone," he then murmured.
"What are you talking about?" I ask him. My ears perked up.
"Why? How? How could he...how could he just talk about her in that..." Andrew went on and his voice gradually got lower. "Context?" He finished.
By now his hands were in fists and his face was turning a red shade. And in one swift motion he took the glass of water and threw it at whatever, which happened to be me.
Glass shattered against my arm and the small pieces fell onto the wooden floor. I felt my breath stop. I was unable to speak or yell, but I had to remind myself that this wasn't Andrew. This was alcohol's wrongdoing, not Andrews.
Brayden quickly reacts by calmly grabbing Andrews arm and guiding him to his room and shutting the door.
As he came back, I started to feel the sting of where the glass had shattered on my arm. Brayden got a towel and held it under the faucet.
Brayden turned on the lights and looked at my arm.
"Is there any glass?" I ask him. My voice was more shaky than I intended. Brayden looks up at me as soon he hers my voice, with those bright blue eyes.
"No." He said shortly. He pressed the cold wet towel to my arm.
I start to grab the towel he was holding against my arm when he interrupted my actions.
"It's fine. Just...relax." He said.
"I can take care of my-"
"Does this always happen?" He asked with his eyebrows scrunching together.
"This is the first time he's gotten drunk, I promi-"
"Not that." He breathed out. He took a pause before saying. "I mean does he always...hurt you?"
Confusion was written on my face, until I saw him looking at my bruised arm where my uncle had grabbed me and where my shirt had risen up. There were small bruises there from when he grabbed me.
"No, Brayden it's not what-" I start to explain.
"Leave." He interrupted me once again. "Don't live with someone that hurts and if your to scared then call the police or something, but don't just stay here and take it." His eyebrows furrowed as his voice was somehow soft and stern.
"He's not hurting me. I promise. It's...a long story, but if he was then I would tell you." I say softly, looking into his vibrant blue orbs.
I feel him lean down towards my lips. I close my eyes and kiss him. And suddenly, in the mist of the lurking smell of alcohol, shards of glass on the floor, my arm bleeding, and everything else, he somehow managed to bring me back to the orphanage on my bed, where he found that I had a dimple on my left cheek and that my eyes were blue. Surely blue.

Surely BlueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon