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Andrew lived in an apartment just outside the main city, where almost all my problems were born.
His apartment was on the 2nd highest floor- the fifth floor. It wasn't anything spectacular. The rooms were well kept and stable for living, so at least I had that.
"It's not the best, but it's what I've got." He said answering my stare of silence.
"It's fine." I say monotone. "What do you know that I don't?" I ask cutting my way to the point.
Andrew sighs as he sits down on his brown, plush couch. He runs his hands through his blonde hair and pats the seat next to him, indicating where I should sit.
"Ok I'm going to tell you what I know. Don't interrupt, what I say may or may not be true. Anyways, we were both born in a very small town in North Carolina called Edenton. Very small. The population is only about 5,000. After you were born, mom and dad wanted to live in a bigger city, so we moved in with our grandpa, here in California.
"A couple days after moving, mom didn't come home. Dad was in tears and told me that your birth killed her, so that's what I believed, and that's why I said the things I said. I don't know why we were put up for adoption, but I know that they did not want us together in the same orphanage. And I don't know who 'they' are or why, I just remember hearing the caretakers talk about it." Andrew looked out his window pausing.
The sun was set below the fifth floor, creating a painted sky.
"Is mom alive?" I ask bringing him back to the conversation.
"I don't know. But I remember her. That's why I hated you, because I remember her. She never got angry and saw the good in people, which doesn't make sense. I mean if she was such a good person why would she give up her kids. " Andrew said gazing out the window.
It was almost like this was the first time he was talking about this. I could even tell that this was hard for him.
"What about dad?" I ask quietly, almost afraid to ask.
"Dad." He repeated with a small smile. "Dad would be the one to get angry. But only if he needed to. He was the type of guy that joked around and set the vibe of the room. He gave us his dark blue eyes." He said changing his focus towards me.
Hearing all of this made me think about how my parents were real people. I realize that I always had the thought of them, but now them. It was always mom and dad and never Sarah and David.
     It's like thinking of you grandma. You never really think of the fact that your grandma has been in and out of love, made stupid mistakes, went through her rebellious teenage years and made decisions that impacted her for the rest of her life.
     I never think about that side of my mom and dad's life, and now that I'm hearing about it, it's like the mom and dad in my head aren't anything like my real mom and dad.

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