11//"I have to do this"

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"Summer!" I hear someone shout as I slowly peel my eyes open.

"Summer Blue Young!" Yet again the same voice but I just can't seem to put a name to it. Suddenly my bedroom door bursts open and there stands Greyson, followed closely behind by Jayden.

"Oh my goodness. You're ok." Jay says running and jumping on my bed.

"You scared the living day lights out of us SB where have you been?" Grey asks.

"I've been everywhere but school." I say bluntly.

"Why did you leave school?" Grey continues throwing questions my way.

"Because I felt like it Greyson, is that ok with you?"

"No it's not ok with me Summer, and you never leave because you feel like it so tell me why did you leave?"

"Because of Zach and don't ask questions this isn't something you should get into."

"Don't tell me what to do Summer."

"Fuck off Greyson I'm not in the mood, not today." Grey leaves the room but Jayden stays there on the bed laying next to me.

"Do you wanna talk?" Jayden asks in a caring tone.

"No not really." I say in more of a whisper. In that moment the doorbell rings and Jay gets up to answer it. A few minuets later there is a knock at my door.

"Come in." I say to the person at the other end.

"It's just me babe." Chase says shutting the door behind him and coming to sit next to me on the bed. He pulls me into his chest and I lay there not saying a word while he plays with my hair. Chase has always been very gentle with me, thats why I trust his so much.

"Hey babe?" He asks softly.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Why did you leave school?" Why is everyone asking the same question?

"I don't really want to talk about it. But hey guess what?"


"I saw Lucas today." I say already feeling better.

"Oh, really." Chase replies looking down.

"Chase you have nothing to worry about Lucas is like a brother to me, trust me." I reach up and peck his lips giving him reassurance. This leads to a full makeup session but nothing further, we never go further. We pull apart and I fell better than I was but still I'm not complete but I brush it off.

Chase leaves after a few hours so I trek downstairs in hope to find some dinner. I find a plate on the counter that has my name on it so I'm guessing that's my dinner. I pick it up and go into the lounge room to watch movies. As I round the corner I hear giggles, girly giggles. I am the only girl in this house cause last time I checked both mum and dad are out of town. I stop at the edge of the couch to see Zach with a girl, not the same girl as earlier today, no a different one.

"Zachary! For fucks sake would you take your dirty toys somewhere else, somewhere that isn't my house. NO scratch that, somewhere that I won't see cause I've had enough of you and your skanky whores!" I scream so loud the house shakes.

"You live with the Young family?" The skank questions.

"Yes he fucking lives with us now get out of my house before I make you!" I shout at her. She hurries to her feet and runs out of the room, seconds later I hear the front door shut.

"What the hell was that Summer?" Zach asks me.

"That was me putting the whore in place. Don't think about bringing girls home ever again Zach. Well that's if they would be brave enough to cross my path."

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