How it all started

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" Team, you have been assigned to watch over this girl. Her name is (L/N) (Y/N). Her father is an engineer for Naser. There have been various attacks on his daughter, You are to keep a 24-hour watch on this girl until we can solve this problem."

And that is how it all started. Or at least that is how I think it started. I'm not good at impressions. From my point of view, I was heading over to the old wear house that I always go to, trying to stop them from tearing it down. I would not call it Breaking and entering, I just break the circuit boards on the boulders.

I was out the front of the fenced barrier which is a new thing from a few weeks ago. I made a mini helicopter disable the cameras. of course, it worked and I jumped over the fence. Running through the banded wear house to the three boulders. Blowing the circuits not soon after. About to run back the way I came only to see the men pop out from under the ground. I rolled over the opposite side of the Machines. I need to get home before dad notices that I'm not there.

"When will the prototype be ready?"

"I need more time, A few more days."

"We don't have a few more days, the boss is already at my throat."

"But-------" The man was lifted into the air by the neck and dropped to the ground hard.

"You have 24 hours."

I peeked through the side to see an inhuman size man stomping away from what looks like a doctor. Ok, hold on a second the place I have been hanging out for the past 2 years has a freaken underground passageway. I don't know if I should be excited or worried that any moment that I was here singing at the top of my lungs that I could have been choked to death. I went the long way around to see the not so human man get in a helicopter. How I did not see that I will never know. Jumping back over the fence to my motorbike still trying to comprehend what just happened I saw head lights from what looked like 5 maybe 6 other motorbikes. Oh, crap I'm gonna die. No never tell yourself that. I started the motor and left the head lights off they were coming to the driveway of the wear house, I had to be quick, I sped around the edge of the fence and as they came to a slow stop to see me I drove off as fast as the bike could and made it past them almost knocking one of them. I made a small amount of distance from me and them. I could see them in the distance from me. It didn't look like they wanted anything but to follow me. Great now they will know where I live. throughout the trip, I tried to get them off my tail. Driving down different streets turning off my lights. But they always seemed to find me again. I gave up at around 12 and made it to my street. I quickly climbed up the tree and jumped through my window that I left open.

I looked out my window to see the people who were following me not there. I guess they left.

Letting out a sigh I walked over to my bed. I change into some P.Js.

I strange thing was I felt like I was being watched. I just shrugged it off. Having a day like I have I didn't need to think about anything else but sleep.

young justice (Robin x reader) Story 1Where stories live. Discover now