Robot attack!!

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It's the day after the party and I'm back at home doing homework. Its just great knowing that when you skip a day of your life to have fun that Karma gets you. But it didn't take long after that, my homework was finished. Then I got a call.

"Hey why you call." I heard them laugh on the other end of the line.

"What's wrong with giving my girlfriend a call."

"I could think of a few things..... Anyway why did you call."

"I was wondering if you could catch up with the team tonight.... But mostly me."

I laughed. "Yeah sure and where would we be meeting?"

"The cave, I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah see you soon."

I jumped from my desk chair toward my closet.

I jumped from my desk chair toward my closet

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I wanted to wear something nice. Just because I felt like it. I didn't think much when going over to the zeta tubes. But when it scanned me it said it was unable to send me to the mountain, so instead it took me to the next closest one. I ended up around 5 blocks from the mountain. Great now I have to walk. Good thing I'm wearing flats. I walked along the side of the pears toward the mountain, it was a nice night but it was quite cold it wouldn't have bothered me if I didn't need to walk this far. I sighed making it to the mountain, but I had to walk around it to the back entrance. I walked in and it was really quite, you would have thought I could hear the other's arguing about something. I walked through the halls and yet still nothing. I decided to call Richard to ask what was up.

" (Y/N) are you in the mountain?" I was walking around the halls still but confused about why he was whispering.

"Yeah but why are you whispering." I was near the open area.

"You need to get out." He told me.

"What why..." Then a ball of fire just missing my head. I ended the call and shoved the phone in my skirt pocket. I again dodged another ball of fire to the face and rolled out of the away to the edge of the platform.

"(Y/N) what are you doing here?" It was spandex. A vein popped on my head.

"Do I look like I have time to answer that!" Two robots attacking me was not on the list of things I wanted to do today nor ever at that. One of them threw a ball of water at me witch I pulled out my palm making it explode around me. Then a fist of fire came at me and I stopped it with my fist and kicked it in the stomach sending her back. The other pushed me off the platform I was able to use the water below me and turn it to ice.

"I came here to hang out, but I guess that isn't an option anymore."

"Where in a rush here, can you think of anything that could stop them?" Another ball of fire was sent at me and I used it to send back at them.

"Are you guys idiots of something use an electrometric pulse to stop all machines from working!" I was pushed back a few feet. I'm in the worst position right now surrounded by water. The fire robot left to find the others I guessed and I was still dodging water been thrown at me. I shot myself up to the platform again and kicked the robot square in the nose, only leaving a small dent. He came at me and I ran out of the way and hit the wall and laughed but to ruin my fun a blast of fire which I only managed to dodge by falling off the platform yet again. I held on by my fingertips. They must have thought I fell.I used my feet and did a cartwheel on the edge of the platform and sprung myself up and used ice to attack them and hit both of them in the legs making them kneel before standing up again. Will nothing stop them. I let out a sigh watching them stand up again then coming at me but then they froze and fell to the ground.

"Is it over?" The water stopped rising and disappeared and I didn't notice before but there was a cage of fire around Megan and Aqua lad. I let out a yawn.

"How can you be tired?"

" I just used too much energy that's all." I fell back relieved. A shadow cast around me.

"Hey how are things?" I smiled at Robin above me.

"Great now that we can relax. "I sat up and we made our way down to the others.

"Get us out, I'm hungry and I want food." Spandex yelled.

"I can't all machines are down!" Airtimes yelled back. I noticed some burns on my clothes.

"Great the one time I wear a skirt and it gets burnt." I huffed annoyed.

Red tornado was the first to come back. But to our surprise he floated in the air and made everyone black out from the lack of oxygen. That was the last thing I remember.

I hope you liked it, this is based off the tv show and I changed some of it but whatever. In the TV show it was based in Airtimes's point of view. You know if you can remember.  

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