Waking up to a kiss

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I woke up in my bed. I sat up dazed of what happened. Putting my hand through my hair I noticed that my hand was bandaged. But I felt no pain. Taking it off I was fine, was there really a point in putting it on in the first place. I tried to walk but I fell on the floor, hard.


The door flew open. My vision blurred from the hair in my face. blowing it out of the way I saw Artemas, Spandex and Robin.

"Ok before you say anything, my feet are just asleep." I sat up again on the floor.

"From the sound of it, we thought you jumped off your bed."

"Any way change in subject. how long was I out for? Where are the others? And What happened?" I counted with my fingers.

After a long response, I found out that I black out just before the inhuman fight. Then I was out for two days from how exorcised I was and the others were at a briefing.

"Mr Robin here was meant to go, but refused."

Both Artemis and Robin punched spandex in the arm. While I was thinking of other things.

"Wait so today's Monday right?" They all froze and reframed from the punching. Nodding I went over to my cork board. I let out a huge sigh.

"It's ok I'm safe." I sank into my desk chair.

"And what was that about?" Robin came and sat next to me on the stool.

"I just had a minor heart attack thinking I had a science test today."

"You would have thought that someone with a photographic memory wouldn't be worried."

"Yeah, but my abilities have gotten stronger after I found out before it was harder to memorise things."

I started looking through the martial for the test.

"Why do you think that?"

"It was in my dad's notes." I pointed to the book he was sitting on.

"It was to do with my brain processing it and my abilities were only half awaken."

As I continued to go through all the material, he was reading my dad's notes. I only stopped after I finished reading through everything and it was all in my head.It's weird I feel like I could recite the whole website after one glance.

We spent the day trying to figure out everything in my dad's journal.I found out the obvious things like that the most I practice my abilities the longer I will last before I black out.

After around 5 hours of finding almost nothing Robin went to do something and I decided to climb to the roof, I've always wanted to but you the fear of falling, that doesn't really scare me anymore. The best thing about where I live is you can always see the stars, even though there are so many other lights, the sky is always bright at night here. It was around 10 at night, I haven't relaxed like this for a while. The cold air hit my skin and I watched as my breath disappeared shortly as it escaped my mouth. As quite as it was, I could hear Artemas arguing with spandex.

"How annoying and when I was just starting to feel relaxed too." I sighed to myself.

"Tell me about it." I almost fell off the roof.

"Are you a ninja or something, don't scare people like that!" I held my chest regaining my composure. I sat back down. He obviously couldn't help but laugh at my reaction. I just crossed my arms.

"You can't just scare someone, then laugh and not apologise." I frowned Ignoring him trying to say sorry.

"And how am I meant to apologise when you won't even listen to me."

"touché." I sighed still looking at the night sky.

I noticed that he was staring.

"What's up bird boy." I smiled at the sky still not looking at him.

"uh.It's nothing."He looked around everywhere but my face.

"If it was nothing then why did you look away?" I laughed and he didn't respond. Watching him trying multiple times to say something.

"Yesssssss" I waited again a few more seconds.

"Well....I don't know how to say it." I sat up a little more confused.

"What's stopping you."


That's when I started put two and two together. I stopped thinking like that, there's no way, ha there is no way. Spandex did talk about it at school for a whole day but I thought he was just being an idiot. He can't like me.

"So what does that mean." I looked at him and he looked ready to say something.

"IT MEANS HE LIKE YOU IDIOT!" I looked down to see Spandex standing there at the front of my house.

"I KNOW THAT I JUST WANTED HIM TO SAY IT!" I yelled back and as I said so Artemas grabbed him by the ear and dragged him back inside.

"He's so annoying sometimes." I heard a laugh from the side of me.

"Don't you mean all the time." I nodded in agreement and sat back down. I wrapped my legs in my chest watching the dim litted street in front of me.

"So you knew." He asked quietly.

"Ha not really, at first when spandex said that you liked me at school I just came to the conclusion that he was just trying to be annoying."

He laughed a little before continuing. He took a deep breath.

"Well he's right I do like you.... A lot, and I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?"

Even though I knew something like this was coming, my heart raced ten thousand times faster when he said it. I sat there a little shocked and turned to him. I took all the courage I had (which was not a lot) and kissed him. I could have sworn I saw fireworks. I quickly pulled back.

"I-uh sorry...I didn't know what to say." He stopped me from blabbering on with another kiss.

"It's ok I liked it and I'm assuming that's a yes." I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck.


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