Working things out

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I screamed at the top of my lungs  at the ocean. It was helping but I wasn't going to get anywhere by freaking out fish. I started throwing random punches and kicks. All he wants from me is a result. I thought he was past that. I fell to my knees and stared into space. *sigh* he'll never change. The sun was setting. I watched it disappear behind the ocean. It was getting dark. I was on some random beach in New Zeland. I didn't know I could teleport this far but at that, I found out a lot of new things about me. My phone was ringing. I have been out for three hours. It was dad. I grit my teeth and hung up. Where am I going to go? Can't go home mum might be there. Can't go to the cave dad is there. Something clicked in my brain. The Wayne mansion. They said I could stay whenever needed. I stood up and breathed deeply. Imagine the mansion in front of me and I clicked my fingers.

Ha ha, I stood in front of the mansion. I quickly texted Robin I was at his house. Knocking at the door Alfred opened the doors.

"Miss (L/N) It's been too long, have you come to see master Grayson?" I nodded my head.

"He isn't here right now......"

"(Y/N)!!!!!" I turned to see an out of breath Robin standing at the top of the stairs, no really he was in such a rush I guess he forgot to change. He sprinted down the stairs and pulled me into a kiss.

"I'll leave you two to catch up." With that, Alfred walked down one of the halls.

"Where did you go we were all looking for you?" He grabbed me in a hug. I was shocked but happy of how much they all care.

"Uhh, some random beach in New Zeland." I laughed awkwardly.

"For three hours?" He raised an eyebrow. I nodded.

"I just needed to calm down a little. I bet my dad would be barbeque by now if I didn't leave when I did." I sighed then yawned.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He moves the hair that fell in front of my eyes. I slowly nodded. 

"He'll never change will he?" I looked down. 

"Maybe if you talk to him and help him change, he just wants's to help you through this and he's trying the only way he knows how." I smiled and kissed him cheek.

"Thanks." I whispered. 

I got out of his grip on my waist and started walking up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" He stepped beside me.

"Shower then bed or I could just sleep now?" I was halted by him grabbing my hand.

"Would you like me to join you?" Is he really teasing me? I tried to ignore his comment but spinning me around to face him. I repeatedly shook my head blushing. He was getting too close. I clicked my finger's thinking I would only teleport but ending up in his room in the same position.

He blinked twice.

"Did you just....." I pushed him off me and he fell to the bed.

"I'm going to have me shower." I rushed to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. My heart racing. I was flustered for sure. turning on the tap and undressing I had my shower.


Wait....... no clothes.

I stood with a towel around me and a reddening face. What do I do? slowly I opened to door and poked my head out. Richard was sitting on his bed reading something.

I turned invisible and walked out trying to find a t-shirt.

Ummm let's see.....ah found it. I dropped the towel getting a reaction from Richard. shoving it on I jumped onto the bed.

"I'm back! and now I sleep." I fell down and went under the covers.

"Hey, I was wondering...." I poked my head out from under the covers to only show to my nose.

"What happened at your school?" I Sighed.

"Oh that, well they decided to cast me out as the school's slut and the teacher's hate me because I've been horing around. I don't have any say in the matter apparently." I crossed my arms at the thought.

"Why you ask?" He smirked at me before wrapping me in a hug.

"Why not go to my school instead?" I blinked.

"It would be easier to see each other and your dad doesn't need to worry anymore about (M/N) finding you." I thought for a moment.

"You sold me." He smiled onto my neck. 

After that, I fell asleep. 


You shall go to his school. HEHE....... I did it... another chapter that is. It's getting harder to write stuff. But I did it none the less. 😆😛

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