getting out

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"Where is she!"

I heard a yell  below me.

"She went into the control room and disabled the doors from opening sir, our men are trying to get her out." The same people from the last time I was here. The in- human thing and the doctor.

"You're not doing enough, she has already destroyed one lab. Get her or I'll break you!"

He has some anger issues. I watched as they both walked out. The others were awake in the tubes watching the whole thing. I grabbed one of my knives and through it at the control panel. Falling out of the tubes they all coughed and stood up. I jumped down from the air vent.

"What are you doing here (Y/N)." Spandex spoke up. I only just realised how tired I was.

"You know just saving your asses. You were gone for two days........ Ok, whatever I'm going now bye."

Spandex ran in front of me.

"How do you think you're going to get out without our help."

"The same way I got in genius."

"Get out of the way you two!" super boy yelled as the inhuman thing ran through the doors. He looked pissed.

"There you are, you little pest!" He ran toward me at a fast pace. As he got closer he put out his fist aiming at my face. I was going to stop his fist but I was thrown out of the way. Rolling across the floor I stopped with Robin on top of me.

"Are you an idiot or something, I could have taken him." Then super boy was hit to the wall.

"Ok maybe not....thanks." I helped me up.

"so how did you get in?"

"I knocked on the front door."

I heard the sound of clapping through the room. My eyes turned to the right side of the room and the same doctor from before came out with one of the serums. I shot it out of his hand.

"Don't be an idiot!" I yelled at him and the inhuman came at me again. I shot him with three of the darts slowing him down enough for me to jump over him so he could slam into the wall.

"We need to get out of here."

'agreed, everyone head out the door.'

we started talking telepathically we all headed for the door stopped before the corner.

'you mind telling me why we stopped'

'guards 10 of them' Aqua lad was at front.

'weapon of choice?'

'They all have guns.'

'perfect, I'll take care of it' I got out my katana's.

'you can't just go out there.' 'wait for your orders.'

'two things 1 I'm technically not on your team and 2 I've never been good at taking orders.' I ran out not a second later before they could stop me I did the same thing as before breaking each bullet, after running out of bullets they ran at me with knives. The others started to engage as well. finishing in two minutes they all turned to me. I smiled and scratched the back of my head.

"What are we all standing around for let's go."

"Do you even know where you're going?" I turned to Super boy.

"I have a photographic memory and I've seen the blueprints of the whole area. come on does it really matter, my body won't be able to last much longer."

Yes, I'm able to remember anything and learn things easy but the downside to that is my body is not trained for it. I only have around 10 minutes before I black out.

They all reluctantly agreed and we made it to the same front room as before. Robin hacked into the system and the door opened and everyone ran out. Then a huge explosion. Looks like the inhuman woke up. 

young justice (Robin x reader) Story 1Where stories live. Discover now