My dad

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Today was Saturday. Yes, the day for sleeping. The only time I'm ever allowed to sleep in and no one would care. Waking up at 11, it was early for me but I did go to bed earlier. Something smelt like it was burning so I ran down the stairs after getting changed into

The jumper went above my stomach

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The jumper went above my stomach.

I ran to the kitchen to see Megan taking out some burnt cookies.

"It smells great in here." I coughed as I walked over.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N) I wanted to make some cookies for everyone but they got burnt. I looked at the temperature on the oven.

"You set it way to high for baking cookies, your lucky the house didn't burn down." I laughed a little as I poured a glass of milk. I almost spat it all out when I saw a phone in front of me with a picture of last night.

Coughing as I spoke, "What the hell idiot spandex!" I turned to see him smiling at himself.

"Stop it with the nicknames ok or this will go on the internet."

"Fine I will stop......" I stepped on his foot and grabbed the phone quickly deleting it.

"You should really back up your files." I tossed him the phone and went outside. It was a very dark day and it was raining.

"Of course on the day I get off school, it's raining." I sighed to myself, it was not like I was going anywhere, it's just nice when it's not raining that you could go outside if you wanted.

I walked back inside to see everyone staring at me.

"What is there something on my face." I walked over to the bench and sat down, waiting for someone to speak up.

"please, don't all speak at once."

My phone started to ring. It was my dad, quite unusual. I almost never see him any more. I don't hate him for it, he mainly works all the time because of his boss.

"Hey, dad what's up?" There was a pulse at the other end of the line.

"Yo dad."

"Uh yeah hey sweetie, I was just wondering if you could come to my office? There are some things I want to talk about."

"What about my 'bodyguards'." It was quite for a while.

"You can make the trip on your own, and if there was any trouble they can make it to you fast." He seemed rushed, even his sentence didn't make much sense. when he gets like this I know that he's nerves.

"Yeah ok, dad, I'll be right over." The phone call ended.

"I wonder why he wants me over," I whispered to myself staring blankly at my phone thinking.

"What was that about?" The persons who spoke I didn't know over the voices in my head telling me something was up. Not seeing my dad for almost a year. sometimes the occasional glance of his back as he shut the front door for work.

"My dad (sigh) wants me to have a visit with him at his office........ and he told me for you guys to stay here."

"What, he was the one who told us to protect you." Artemas seemed a little annoyed.

"I don't know, but I think my dad has done something you guys don't need to know, I need to go now so bye." I grabbed my keys and phone and shoved them in my bag with whatever else was in there. I knew the other would at least follow me in the bioship but I guess I can't see them. Even though I have never been to my dad work because it's around a 45-minute drive, I made sure to know where it is. Mostly so I knew where to find him but also so I knew he wasn't dead.

45-minutes later

Arriving at NASA. It was huge and I wondered why it was so far from home and the city. The lady at the booth seemed like she was having a bad day.

"Name." Not looking up from her clipboard. she's very blunt.

"(F/N) (Y/N), I'm here to see my dad (F/N)." She looked at her clipboard one more time before writing something down. Looking at me her glasses at the end of her nose.

"Here is your pass, be out by 5." I took the pass before she changed her mind. It was only 12 now but I guessed I was going to be a while.

After I walked through the sliding doors all I could see was passing people and dodging them and making it to a pillar and leaned agents it.

"(Y/N)?" My name was called by a middle-aged woman standing in front of me. Why is everyone wearing glasses.

"Yes." She held out her hand to shake and I excepted.

" Melanie your dad's assistant, I'm here to take you to him." Wow he made me come all this way and he didn't even come to get me. Not saying another word she walked me to one of the corridors. Mostly office doors with names printed on them. Following behind I looked through one on the windows seeing some lab with some green vials in tubes.

"Miss (Y/N) I would proffer if you didn't snoop." I blew some hair out of my face and shoved my hand in my pockets as we continued to walk down the hall. With a sudden stop I bumped into dad's assistant and taking a step back afterward she opened a door. Showing a huge room with machine's and lab equipment.

"Mr (L/N), you daughter (Y/N) is here to see you." I saw something move around the corner, revealing my father in a lab coat.

"And I just thought you were an engineer." He scratched the back of his head.

"That is a part of what I wanted to talk to you about." 

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