finding them

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It's Monday two days since I last saw the others. I don't really know how these mission things worked, but I guessed that something was wrong. I couldn't concentrate on what the teacher was saying, my mind was in another place, looking out the window. The good thing was with my grades most teachers did not care. I wanted to do something, but I didn't know where they were. The only place to come to mind with the warehouse, it was in the same direction of the fire. The bell rang for the end of the day. I started riding my motorbike to school so I didn't have to deal with the jocks. They have been keeping their distance which is good because I'm not in the mood for them.

Riding home I came to the conclusion that I should at least check the warehouse if no one was there then I would just wait for them at home. I made it home and I started to get ready, I had to wait until nightfall to go anywhere so I just did other things to fill in the time.

 I made it home and I started to get ready, I had to wait until nightfall to go anywhere so I just did other things to fill in the time

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Not really knowing what to bring I grabbed my bamboo staff and roamed around the house to my dad's office. I've never been in here but I thought he would have some stuff in here. Opening the door I saw a normal study but messier. No wonder I've never been in here. I coughed from all the dust. I walked around looking for anything. I tipped over some books trying to go around a corner. Surprisingly It looked like a log book. Red with gold boarders around it writing that said test subject 1.

Flipping through the pages it was about me and my changes. It was no surprise to me I wanted to burn it, but stopping at a page was how to control it, well how to use it.

It said that I can copy things after seeing it. I guess that's why I could fight that jock. And why I'm good at tests I don't even need to listen in class and I'll know the answers. I shut the book and held onto it. I stood up and saw a shelf with me and my father and mother in a family photo, I was only young. I don't remember it. It was nice to see a normal family. Picking it up I whipped away the dust.

"what happened to this," I whispered to myself. Looking back at the place it stood I saw a button on the wall. Quiche as it may sound I pressed the button and the shelf opened up to show rose and rose of weapons. I'm starting to wonder if my dad is even my dad anymore. Since I thought I would need it I took this opportunity to borrow some of my dad's weapons.

Taking some knives, two Katana's and two guns. I didn't know how to use them but I knew YouTube could help me with that.

I had around an hour until it was dark so I looked up on YouTube how to fight and so on. For each weapon. It turns out my dad's notes were right after watching the videos I could copy them with no sweat. It was like the images were forever in my mind. 

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