A week later

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Part 30!!! YAY. Give me a high five. Thanks for all the votes. 😀. I love writing this story and I haven't given up on it so that's a plus. 


It's been a week since the fall out with my mother and my dad. My dad also has some time off work because of the mysterious window smashes throughout the building and fires. It's not like I meant to. We've been staying at the mountain until he fully recovers. Assuming mum knows where we live we have put cameras all through the street to make sure she isn't still trying to kill me.

But on other things dad hasn't left my side in the past week. It would be fine but I haven't been able to have a proper conversation with really anyone(Mainly Robin). That aside mostly through the past week dad's been testing the growth in my powers.

"Dad can I have a break....we've been at this for hours," I whined lying on the cold ground while he was starting the next exercise.

"After this exercise." I teleported next to him and frowned.

"That's what you said an hour ago." I crossed my arms. And started to walk away.

"And where do you think you're going."

"To have dinner or lunch since I haven't eaten anything almost all day." I waved him goodbye heading to the kitchen.

"(Y/N)! are you done with your training?" Megan was in the kitchen making dinner. I went and sat on the bench starting to eat an apple.

"Far from. Dad thinks it's good to push myself so my powers grow stronger. It may be true but I can you, it sucks." Taking another bite of the apple.

"He's just trying to help you." Megan held my shoulder. This only making me sigh.

"Yeah I know but I haven't had a life for a week. I just want to hang out with everyone else." I tossed my finished apple in the bin. I walked over and started chopping up some vegetables. I could tell someone was walking up behind me so I spun to face them.

"Hey, Artemis and bye." I waved to her and started to walk out.

"Wait (Y/N) what about dinner?"

"Just bring it to me when it's done, the sooner I get back to dad the sooner were done for the day," I spoke walking back down the hall. I yawned and stretched bumping into someone. I opened my eyes but they shut straight after being pinned to the hallway wall into a kiss.

Soon it ended and opening my eyes I saw Robin for the first time this week or since he took me to first aid.

"Hi." He breathed. I smiled.

"Hi," I spoke back. We stayed like that for a moment.

"Uhh... guy's I'm right here." I broke my focus from Robin to Spandex.

I blushed and slipped off the wall. I tried to get away but Robin still held my hand tight and pulled me toward the kitchen again.

"Here's your dinner (Y/N)." Megan smiled, I took the plate of food (whatever food you want) and sat down on the couch.

"I needed to get back to dad." I sighed and started eating.

"But you've been doing nothing but training all week." Spandex said looking at the TV flicking through channels.

"I'm only putting up with it until he's able to go back to work." I took another bite and put the plate down.

"You need to eat more." Robin put the plate back in front of me.

"But dad's coming." As I said that my dad came into the room.

"Time to do the last test (Y/N)."

I groaned just thinking about it.

"Fine but you need to start going to work again."

"You know I can't do that."

"Yes, you can. Mum won't do anything when your there with so many other people and you've fully recovered since Thursday. " I walked up to him.

"Don't call her that!" He yelled as I tried to walk past him holding me by the arm. Getting out of his grip I walked out of the kitchen.

"And where do you think you're going, young lady!"

"Out." I simply said before clicking my fingers and disappeared. 


Ohh someone's a little pissed. I wonder where you will go?? 

Also I've been thinking should you (the reader) start going to Robin's school. Comment if you think that's a good idea.  

young justice (Robin x reader) Story 1Where stories live. Discover now