letting your feeling out

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My dad sat me down after sending his assistant out.

"I asked you here to talk to you about something.......something I regret."

He pulled out one of the vials I saw from the other room before.

"This is one of the prototypes of a body enhancer that I have been producing. After I got promoted I was transferred to another department."

So he has been lying to me. Well in a way, it's odd that he feels bad about not telling me, I mean it doesn't really have anything to do with me.

"Unable to be contained in a non-human test subject I was told to find a beta tester. When unsuccessful they were debating whether to let me keep my job....... I was desperate........I-I didn't know what came over me." My eyes widened as he spoke.

"When you were asleep one night I injected the serum into you as well as a monitor." I couldn't speak my mouth could produce any words.He didn't know what was going to happen to me if it didn't work and it being unsuccessful with animals meant they died. He would risk that for his own daughter.

"The results were phenomenal. your reflexes increased dramatically, you're able to heal in a short amount of time. intaking lots of information comes easy to you and remembering things uses no brain compacity. Your strength is incredible. Your amazing (Y/N), a superhuman!"

I stood up tears almost coming out of my eyes.

"And what if that wasn't the case, what if I got sick or died. Is all you think about work. Am I nothing to you just a test subject."

I wiped the tears and started to walk out.

I walked out the door, a little confused. Dad came bursting out the door to his office.

"Wait (Y/N) come back!"

I didn't listen and started to run out of the building. I could hear his loud footsteps running after me, this only made me run faster out the doors to my bike. I could see people starting to come towards me. Quickly starting the engine and driving out.

My hot breath and tears fogged my helmet. Only driving faster and forgetting about the other cars I almost drove into. How could he do that to his own daughter? I knew his job meant almost to him. I could have died. Would he have cared or just crossed me off the things he has to care for?

I didn't want to go home but I didn't know where else to go right now. After walking around the side of the house I climbed up the tree and went through to my room. No one was there. Good, I didn't really want to talk to anyone Kneeing on the ground not making it to my bed I starting crying, I didn't care who could hear. I curled into a balled and buried my head into my knees. The door was swung open.

"GO AWAY!" I didn't bother to look up, it did not matter who it was. Even so with my harsh words the person took a few steps forward towards me after they shut the door. I stood up with tear field eyes.

"Did you not hear what I said Go Awa....." I was stopping by the person hugging me. Even though I didn't see their face I could tell by the aroma and black hair in my face that is was Robin. It's the time's when you don't want to be near people that you need them the most. Not saying anything just letting me cry on his shoulder. I held on tight worried if I loosed my grip I would fall. After for who knows how long I started to calm down.

"What happened?" speaking quietly worried that I would cry from the sudden sound.

"H-he.... My dad he....." The words got jumbled as I spoke and my brain was just not responding.

"Just take it slow, What did your dad do?" He whipped some of the tears on my face. Taking a deep breath I quickly spoke worried my words would not come out.

"My dad gave me a serum to me that could have killed me while I was sleeping. He did it so he could keep his job." He seemed surprised by my words.

"What does the serum do?"

"I-t increases my reflexes, healing quickly, photo graphic memory, strength increase. But the thing is he never told me about any of this." I hugged into his chest.

Not speaking for a while again.

"No wonder you could beat up those idiots from your school."

"No anyone can do that, there all talk." laughing a little we both let go.

"That's true, but how did you not notice the changes?"

"I just don't know anything anymore." I fell to my deck chair and spun around.

For some reason the sky was glowing a bright orange. I could smell smoke.

Just then Aqua lad came Through the door of my balcony.

"There was an exception at a nearby ware house, Where all going to check it out." He quickly looked at me before heading out again. Both me and Robin looked at each other.

"I guess I should get going now." He walk toward the door.

"Wait Robin." I went over to him and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

"For good luck." He smirked at me.

"For good luck." I repeated. He ran out before another word was said.  

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